
Terraform a HA etcd Cluster with KMS server-side encrypted SSL certs stored in S3

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# Terraform scripts for a HA etcd Cluster

This script creates:

  • 3 x t2.micro CoreOS EC2 instances - etcd servers - private subnet
  • 1 x t2.micro CoreOS EC2 instances - bastion (etcd proxy) - public subnet
  • A VPC that spans 2 AZs.
  • 4 Subnets (2 private, 2 public. 1 of each per AZ) - the etcd instances = private subnets, etcd proxy = public
  • An autoscaling group and launch configuration.
  • Launch config utlizes EC2 userdata template
  • EC2 userdata = cloud-init + etcd discovery via Monsanto method (referenced below) + etcd certs via aws s3getobject container
  • EC2 security groups, egress = all traffic, ingress locked internally to VPC and variable "myip" (default == in tfvars)
  • An IAM role for the etcd instances.
  • An S3 bucket for the certificate authority cert (ca.pem)
  • An S3 bucket for the etcd locally signed cert and key (etcd.pem, etcdkey.pem)
  • All S3 objects are KMS encrypted with the keypolicy only allowing decryption by the terraform user and by the instances
  • Due to bug in IAM and keypolicy dependencies, local-exec, jq and AWScli are used to retrive the role ARNs for the keypolicy.json

To Improve:

To use:

Pre-requisites: Terraform, jq, AWS CLI and SSH Keys

1. Modify terraform.tfvars as you wish
2. terraform get && terraform plan
3. terraform apply

To check if its function correctly:

1. SSH into the bastion
2. Run "etcdctl cluster-health"
3. If 3 nodes show as healthy, you're good to go, else destroy and retry

Extra steps:

Change "myip" in tfvars to your ip to lockdown public instance IPs

Change etcd cluster size by modifying terraform.tfvars:

  • asg_number_of_instances = "3"
  • asg_minimum_number_of_instances = "3"

Note: cluster size must be an odd number

###Version info:

Working and Tested as of 10/01/17 Terraform version: 0.8.3

Features to implement in the future:

Integrate with Kubernetes - Terraform scripts

Use a dynamic method of regenerating the SSL certificate on each new node

Improve documentation
