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See more CheatSheets from Denny: #denny-cheatsheets

Table of Contents

Golang CheatSheet:

Syntax Sugar: From Python To Golang

Name Python Golang
sum slice sum([1, 2, 3]) sum := 0; for i := range nums { sum += nums[i] }
Get last item nums[-1] nums[len(nums)-1]
For for i in range(10): for i := 0; i < 10; i++
Loop list for num in [1, 2] for num := range[]int{1, 2} { fmt.Print(num) }
Loop string for ch in str: for _, ch := range str { fmt.Print(ch) }
Iterator for num in nums: for _, num := range nums {fmt.Print(num)}
While while isOK: for isOK
Reverse list nums[::-1] Need to create your own function. Weird!
Check ch range ord(ch) in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1) ch >='a' && ch <='z'
Get min min(2, 6, 5)

Golang Compact Coding

Name Comment
Declare variables with initializers var ischecked, v, str = false, 2, "yes!"
One line if statement if a >= 1 { fmt.Print("yes") }


Name Comment
Make a array var a [2]string; a[0]="hello"; a[1]="world"
Create array with given values T := [6]int{2, 3, 7, 5, 11, 13}
Create array with given values T := []string{"a", "c", "b", "d"}
Create dynamically-sized arrays a := make([]int, 5)
Create dynamically-sized arrays a := make([]int, 1, 5) // 5 is capacity
Sort string array sort.Strings(T); fmt.Print(T)
Sort int array sort.Ints(l[:]) //in-place change
Append item T = append(T, "e")
Append items T = append(T, "e", "b", "c")
Remove last item T = T[:len(T)-1]
Slices of a array var T2 = T[1:3] // Notice: it's a reference
Copy a list b := make([]T, len(a)); copy(b, a)


Package strings

Name Comment
Format string fmt.Sprintf("At %v, %s", e.When, e.What)
Format string fmt.Printf("int: %d, float: %f, bool: %t\n", 123, 78.9, true)
Split string var L = strings.Split("hi,golang", ",")
Replace string var str2 = strings.Replace("hi,all", ",", ";", -1)
Replace string strings.Replace("aaaa", "a", "b", 2) //bbaa
Split string by separator strings.Split(path, " ")
Count characters strings.Count("test", "t")
Substring strings.Index("test", "e")
Join string strings.Join([]string{"a","b"}, "-")
Repeat string strings.Repeat("a", 2) // aa
Tolower strings.ToLower("TEST")
Trim whitespace in two sides strings.TrimSpace("\t Hello world!\n ")
Trim trailing whitespace strings.TrimRight("\t Hello world!\n ", "\n ")


Name Comment
Int max MaxInt32 = 1<<31 - 1 golang math
Int min MinInt32 = -1 << 31 golang math


Name Comment
Convert string to int i, _ := strconv.ParseInt("12345", 10, 64)
Convert string to int i, err := strconv.Atoi("-42")
Convert string to float32 f, _ := strconv.ParseFloat("3.1415", 32)
Convert int to float32 0.5*float32(age)+7>= float32(age2)
Convert int to string s := strconv.Itoa(-42)
Convert list to string strings.Join(list, ", ")


Name Comment
Create dict map[string]int{"a": 1, "b": 2}
Create dict make(map[string]int)
Check existence _, ok := m[k]
Delete key delete(m, "k1")
Create a map of lists m := make(map[string][]string)


Name Comment
Basic goroutine example_goroutine.go

Files & Folders

Name Comment
Read/Write files example_file.go

Bit Operator

Name Comment
Shift left fmt.Print(1 << 10) // 1024
Shift right fmt.Print(1024 >> 3) // 128


Name Comment
pow(2, 3) int(math.Pow(2, 3)) // Default is float64


Name Comment

Code snippets

  • Create 2D arrays
// static
board := [][]string{
         []string{"_", "_", "_"},
         []string{"_", "_", "_"},
         []string{"_", "_", "_"},

// dynamic
a := make([][]uint8, dy)
for i := range a {
    a[i] = make([]uint8, dx)
  • Logging
import ""
log := logging.MustGetLogger("my-app")
log.Info("Some info...")
log.Warning("Some warning...")
log.Error("Some error!")
log.Critical("Some critical!")
  • struct
type Point struct {
  X, Y int

var (
  v1 = Point{10, 8}
  v2 = Point{X: 1}  // Y would be 0
  v3 = Point{}      // Both X and Y is 0
  p  = &Point{10, 8} // reference: type *Point

func main() {
  fmt.Println(p, v1, v2, v3)
  • Goroutines & Channels
// Goroutines
go func() {
  // do something
// Channels
c := make(chan T [, capacity ])
c <- t // blocks on unbuffered channels until another routine receives the value

d := <-c // blocks on unbuffered channels until another routine sends the value


More links

TODO: Need to automatically generate A4 pdf

License: Code is licensed under MIT License.