
Git Conventional Commits Util to generate Semantic Version and Markdown Change Log and Validate Commit Messag

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Git Conventional Commits


ℹ Have a look at Git Commit Conventions




npm install --global git-conventional-commits


  • Create config file git-conventional-commits init
  • Adjust config git-conventional-commits.json to your needs


ℹ add help parameter -h to commands to list all possible options

  init [options]                               creates a config file template `git-conventional-commits.json`
  version [options]                            determine version from conventional commits
  changelog [options]                          generate change log from conventional commits
  commit-msg-hook [options] <commit-msg-file>  check for conventional commit message format

Config File

Example git-conventional-commits.json

  "convention" : {
    "commitTypes": [
    "commitScopes": [],
    "releaseTagGlobPattern":  "v[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*",
    "issueRegexPattern": "(^|\\s)#\\d+(\\s|$)"

  "changelog" : {
    "commitTypes": [
    "commitScopes": [],
    "commitIgnoreRegexPattern": "^WIP ",
    "headlines": {
      "feat": "Features",
      "fix": "Bug Fixes",
      "perf": "Performance Improvements",
      "merge": "Merged Branches",
      "breakingChange": "BREAKING CHANGES"

    "commitUrl": "https://github.com/ACCOUNT/REPOSITORY/commit/%commit%",
    "commitRangeUrl": "https://github.com/ACCOUNT/REPOSITORY/compare/%from%...%to%?diff=split",
    "issueUrl": "https://github.com/ACCOUNT/REPOSITORY/issues/%issue%"

  • convention

    • commitTypes an array of expected commit types
      • show warnings for unexpected types
      • if not set or empty commit type validation is disabled
      • e.g. ["feat", "fix", "doc", "style"]
    • commitScopes an array of expected commit types
      • show warnings for unexpected scopes
      • if not set or empty commit scope validation is disabled
      • e.g. ["ui", "database"]
    • releaseTagGlobPattern glob pattern to filter for release tags
      • release tags must contain semantic version ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)
      • default *
    • issueRegexPattern regex pattern to find issue IDs
      • e.g. Jira issue pattern [A-Z]{3,}-\\d+
  • changelog

    • commitTypes filter commits by type
      • a subset of convention.commitTypes plus
        • merge commits
        • ? commits with unexpected message format
      • if not set or empty commit type filter is disabled
      • e.g. ["feat", "fix", "merge" , "?"]
    • commitScopes filter commits by scopes
      • a subset of convention.commitScopes
      • if not set or empty commit scope filter is disabled
      • e.g. ["ui"]
    • commitIgnoreRegexPattern filter commits by commit subject regex
      • default ^WIP
    • headlines a map of headline identifier and actual headline
      • a subset of changelog.commitTypes plus
        • breakingChange Breaking Changes Section
      • e.g. { "feat": "Features", "fix": "Bug Fixes", "breakingChange": "BREAKING CHANGES"}
      • default { "feat": "Features", "fix": "Bug Fixes", "merge": "Merged Branches", "breakingChange": "BREAKING CHANGES"}
    • commitUrl an URL template for generating markdown links to repository commits
      • %commit% commit hash placeholder
      • eg https://github.com/qoomon/git-conventional-commits/commit/%commit%
      • if not set or empty link generation is disabled
    • issueUrl an URL template for generating markdown links to an issue tracker
      • %issue% issue id placeholder
      • eg https://jira.example.org/browse/%issue%
      • if not set or empty link generation is disabled

Automatically Validate Commit Message Convention before Commit

  • Setup Commit Message Hook to
    • Navigate to your repository directory cd <repository-path>
    • Create git hook directory mkdir .git-hooks
    • Set update hooksPath git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks
    • Create commit message hook script and make it executable
      • touch .git-hooks/commit-msg && chmod +x .git-hooks/commit-msg
      • Open .git-hooks/commit-msg with your favorite editor and paste following script
        # fix for windows systems
        PATH="/c/Program Files/nodejs:$HOME/AppData/Roaming/npm/:$PATH"
        git-conventional-commits commit-msg-hook "$1"
    • Add and commit .git-hooks/commit-msg to repository
    • ⚠️ Whenever you clone your repository with git hooks you need to enable git hooks once again
      • git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks

Release Workflow with git-conventional-commits

  1. Determine version by git-conventional-commits version
  2. Update version in project files
    • Commit version bump git commit -am'build(release): bump project version to <version>'
  3. Generate change log by git-conventional-commits changelog --release <version> --file 'CHANGELOG.md'
    • Commit change log git commit -am'doc(release): create <version> change log entry'
  4. Tag commit with version git tag -a -m'build(release): <version>' '<version-prefix><version>'
  5. Push all changes git push
  6. Build and upload artifacts


  • npm install
  • npm test
  • npm login
  • npm publish