
A streamline PlantUML Server container based on the official Alpine Linux Docker image

Primary LanguageDockerfile

PlantUML OCI-compliant image

PlantUML Server is a web application to generate UML diagrams on-the-fly. This project fetches and builds PlantUML Server using source assets (code, pom.xml, etc) managed in the official GitHub: PlantUML Server project. The goal of this project is to construct a streamline, highly stable and distributable containerized PlantUML Server. This project indirectly employs the official Alpine Linux Docker image as the base image; it's only 5MBs!

This PlantUML Server image may be used to dynamically render images at design time. If you use Visual Studio Code, install and configure the jebbs.plantuml extension. Then you simply run this PlantUML Server container. Moreover, this container image is referenced and used by the PlantUML Client container project for batch diagram processing.

Getting Started

Get the Docker image

This docker image is published a DockerHub public repository, devtestlabs/plantuml-server.

docker pull devtestlabs/plantuml-server:{{ VARIANT_TAG }}

NOTE: Replace {{ VARIANT_TAG }} with a valid image variant tag

Run the Docker container

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 devtestlabs/plantuml-server:latest

The server is now listening to http://localhost:8080.

How to set PlantUML options

You can apply some option to your PlantUML server with environement variable.

Use the -e flag:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e THE_ENV_VARIABLE=THE_ENV_VALUE devtestlabs/plantuml-server:latest

You can set all the following variables:

    • Limits image width and height
    • Default value 4096
    • Link to 'dot' executable
    • Default value /usr/local/bin/dot or /usr/bin/dot

Using the container

Design time "real-time" diagram rendering

This PlantUML Server image may be used to dynamically render images at design time. If you use Visual Studio Code (VSCode), install and configure the jebbs.plantuml extension. You can find more information about this VSCode extension at VisualStudio Marketplace: Jebbs Plantuml extension and at the Github: qjebbs/vscode-plantuml project.

TODO: write and reference step-by-step tutorial

Batch processing of diagrams

The second usecase for this PlantUML Server image is batch process (render) PNG and SVG image files from PlantUML specification (*.puml) files. You can integrate the use of this PlantUML Server with the devtestlabs/plantuml-client container image.

TODO: write and reference step-by-step tutorial

Build the docker image locally

The Dockerfile specifies a two phase image build. The first phase is the plantuml war file builder process. The second phase results in the construction of the runtime container image. Review the Dockerfile for more information.

docker image build -t devtestlabs/plantuml-server:local . 
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 devops/plantuml-server:local

The server is now listing to http://localhost:8080/plantuml.


  • Migrate to Java 11
  • Add GitHub Actions script to build and publish Docker image
  • Write tutorials on two usecases
  • Update README

External References