
Opencart SeoPro for Opencart 2.0 (OC2)

Primary LanguagePHP

Seo Pro for OC2 (Opencart v2)

SeoPro is an alternative for default "seo_url" library. What you will have using SeoPro:

  • each product have single physical URL and one fixed breadcrumb as result;
  • product still can be assigned to multiple categories;
  • store doesn't have multiple addresses pointing to one page;
  • all database queries to url_alias are cached (increased performance);
  • nice URLs on any route;
  • language code included in URL: Google can index product descriptions in all languages!
  • optional hide default language code in URL

Tested on Opencart v2.0.1.1 - (oc2011, oc2020, oc2031, oc2101/2102).

Should work on oc2010, maybe oc2000. Using oc2000 not recommended: upgrade to oc2011 instead.

If you are looking for older version (for Opencart v1564), switch to oc1564 branch:


Known issues

Known issues are listed on Opencart SeoPro Github issues page. Lot of them might be in Russian, so please use Google Translate to understand. Feel free to speak in English either in new or old issues.

How to help

You can help by resolving issues, translate extension to your native language, testing on new Opencart versions or vote for specific issue by adding a cash bounty on Bountysource.com.


We provide OCMOD version (ocmod.zip). See installation instructions in HOWTO-install-ocmod.en.txt file.

Ready to use ocmod.zip can be downloaded either from SeoPro/OC2 module page on Opencartjazz.com or from extension page on Opencart.com. The Github repository does not contain this ZIP file: it can be created by running bin/deployment.sh script or downloaded on Opencart.com or Opencartjazz.com.

What the main idea of SeoPro and what the difference from default SeoUrl

In Russian: http://opencartforum.ru/topic/20526-seopro-vs-seourl/

Product can be assigned to SEVERAL categories in Opencart. This is why product can have different URLs out of the box with standard SeoUrl (seo_url) library.

  • How this works with default SeoUrl?

    By specifying CANONICAL meta tag. Product can have several physical addresess in the shop, have categories and subcategories in URL, and so on. But all of them point to one canonical address: domain.com/seokeyword. This is canonical address of the product page.

    There is all okay for search engines. Opencart tolds the right logical address to search engines, shop have multiple physical addresess for product pages.

    Webmaster tools logs this situation and show the stats: how many physical pages point to their canonical address and therefore not counted as different pages.

  • How this solved with SeoPro?

    SeoPro adds the MAIN CATEGORY term for products and changes the library that forms URLs. Product still can be assigned to several categories, but you must decide: which category is main (canonical address).

    This allows to recover full category path from any point, when we have only product_id and don't have the path parameter. As result - we now able to have the unified product URL (with full path) in modules on home page: such as Bestsellers module, for example. The Opencart engine can now return one unified URL for product.

    Canonical URL = physical URL. No more physical address duplicates pointing to one canonical URL.

    Canonical address of the product now can contain full category path. Or do not use categories-based path -- this can be selected in settings.

See also:


Author: Yesvik, 2011 (opencartforum.ru, ocStore)


Opencart 2.x

Opencart / ocStore 1.5.x

Contributions (SeoPro/OC2)

git shortlog -n --no-merges --since=2015-01-01 | sed 's/\:$/\n/' >> CONTRIBUTORS.md