
SDC/Manta DNS server over Apache Zookeeper

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


This repository is part of the Joyent SmartDataCenter project (SDC). For contribution guidelines, issues, and general documentation, visit the main SDC project page.

This repo contains 'binder', which is a DNS server implemented on top of ZooKeeper. Hosts use registrar to register themselves into DNS.

See docs/index.md for more information.


boot/           Configuration scripts on zone setup.
deps/           Git submodules (node et al).
docs/           Project docs (restdown)
lib/            Source files.
node_modules/   Node.js deps, populated at build time.
sapi_manifests/ SAPI manifests for zone configuration.
smf/manifests   SMF manifests
test/           Test suite (using nodeunit)
tools/          Miscellaneous dev/upgrade/deployment tools and data.
package.json    npm module info (holds the project version)


To run the binder server:

git clone git@github.com:joyent/binder.git
cd binder
git submodule update --init
make all
. ./env.sh
ZK_HOST=<ZK IP address> node main.js 2>&1 | bunyan

To update the docs, edit "docs/index.md" and run make docs to update "docs/index.html".

Before commiting/pushing run make prepush and, if possible, get a code review.


ZK_HOST=<ZK IP address> make test