
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mini Manta

A small object store service that implements portions of the Manta API in a single zone. Unlike Manta, this service provides no resiliency beyond that provided by the underlying ZFS pool. There are not multiple copies. There is no HA.

This service is for those who want or need the convenience of Manta, without the overhead of installing a full Manta.

Some good use cases:

  • Manta backing for imgapi
  • Triton SDC log uploads to manta
  • People who wanta manta-like experience at home, but don't have the necessary hardware to devote to a manta installation.


  1. A joyent or joyent-minimal brand zone instance on SmartOS.
    • A delegated dataset is recomended
  2. node.js version 10.x or earlier
  3. nginx installed (for mime type lookup).
    • Alternatively, provide your own mime.types file.

Getting started

git clone https://github.com/arekinath/minimanta.git
cd minimanta
make install


User keys are stored in the user's keys directory under the manta root. It will be the same path as the keyId value from the auth header. E.g., if config.json specifies root as /manta, then for a user fbulsara, with a key id b8:74:38:e8:69:75:30:9d:c7:cd:7e:d9:a6:e1:01:c8, copy their id_ecdsa.pub to


After a users's first key is created, they can use that key to authenticate and PUT or DELETE keys for self-service key management.


Operator accounts can read/write any object in manta via the API. To designate an operator, you need to edit the minimanta.json file in the resource fork of the user's manta directory. To designate a user, fbulsara, as an operator run:

runat /manta/fbulsara vi minimanta.json

Add the key "operator":true, save and exit. The user can now read/write any directory or object.

Supported API Surface

minimanta implements the directory object API only. The following Manta cli commands are expected to work.

  • mchattr
  • mfind
  • mget
  • minfo
  • mls
  • mmd5
  • mmkdir
  • mput
  • mrm
  • mrmdir
  • msign
  • muntar

See the Manta API Storage Reference for details about the API. Note that there may be undocumented divergences or bugs in behavior.

Unsupported API Surface

The following are not (nor will they ever be) supported:

  • jobs
  • snaplinks
  • multi-part upload
  • garbage collection (because deletes are processed in real time by removing objects from the filesystem)
  • RBAC (and thus cross-account authorization)
  • multiple copies

This is not an exhaustive list.


Minimanta itself does not do TLS. It is recomended to use nginx as a front end load balancer that handles TLS authentication. You can have an added benefit of enabling caching in nginx to speed up reads of frequently accessed files.

An example nginx config is provided in the examples directory.

You may also use a different front end such as Apache or HAproxy.


Probably some.