Prometheus APsystems

Data transformation from APsystem inverters to Prometheus format. Provides power, energy, voltage and temperature metrics .


Getting Started

These instructions will install and run prometheus_APsystems on your system.

Running with Docker

prometheus_APsystems` is also available as a Docker image on Docker Hub 🐳.

docker run --rm -d --name prometheus_APsystems --env HOST= -p 5000:5000/tcp arekp/prometheus_APsystems:latest

You can also append extra flags when running with Docker. For example:

$ docker run --rm --name prometheus_APsystems -p 5000:5000/tcp --env HOST=  arekp/prometheus_APsystems:latest 

prometheus.yml config

Add this to your Prometheus config to start instrumenting APsystems and recording their metrics.

  scrape_timeout: 2m

- job_name: 'APsystems'
  metrics_path: /metrics
  - targets:
    - localhost:5000

Note if you're running prometheus under Docker, you must link the prometheus container to prometheus_APsystems. See the steps below for how this can be done.

Trying it out

An example Prometheus config has been provided at example/prometheus.yml. We'll start prometheus with this config.

Instrumenting APsystems with cURL

Once prometheus_APsystems has been started, with either Docker APsystems can be instrumented with cURL.

# HELP panele_lifetimegeneration Lifetime Generation
# TYPE panele_lifetimegeneration gauge
panele_lifetimegeneration 4430.9
# HELP panele_generationcurrentday Generation Current of Day
# TYPE panele_generationcurrentday gauge
panele_generationcurrentday 11.92
# HELP panele_LastSystemPower Last System Power
# TYPE panele_LastSystemPower gauge
panele_LastSystemPower 745.0
# HELP panele_Voltage Voltage na panelu
# TYPE panele_Voltage gauge
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000026000",panel="1"} 235.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000026000",panel="2"} 235.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000026000",panel="3"} 235.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000026000",panel="4"} 235.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000074230",panel="1"} 235.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000074230",panel="2"} 235.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000074230",panel="3"} 235.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000074230",panel="4"} 235.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000030076",panel="1"} 234.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000030076",panel="2"} 234.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000030076",panel="3"} 234.0
panele_Voltage{Inverter="801000030076",panel="4"} 234.0
# HELP panele_Power Power na panelu
# TYPE panele_Power gauge
panele_Power{Inverter="801000026000",panel="1"} 64.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000026000",panel="2"} 65.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000026000",panel="3"} 0.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000026000",panel="4"} 69.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000074230",panel="1"} 66.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000074230",panel="2"} 66.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000074230",panel="3"} 70.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000074230",panel="4"} 69.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000030076",panel="1"} 67.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000030076",panel="2"} 67.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000030076",panel="3"} 71.0
panele_Power{Inverter="801000030076",panel="4"} 71.0
# HELP panele_Temp Temperature na panelu
# TYPE panele_Temp gauge
panele_Temp{Inverter="801000026000"} 30.0
panele_Temp{Inverter="801000074230"} 32.0
panele_Temp{Inverter="801000030076"} 32.0
# HELP panele_Frequency Frequency na panelu
# TYPE panele_Frequency gauge
panele_Frequency{Inverter="801000026000"} 50.0
panele_Frequency{Inverter="801000074230"} 50.0
panele_Frequency{Inverter="801000030076"} 50.0

You can also visit http://localhost:5000 in your browser to see the same metrics.

Getting Started (Development)

These instructions will get you a copy prometheus_APsystems up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Running Locally


  1. Ensure packages listed in requirements.txt are installed with pip

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run prometheus_APsystems



  1. Building image

    docker build -t prometheus_apsystems:latest .
  2. Running

    docker run --rm -d --name prometheus_apsystems -p 5000:5000/tcp --env HOST= prometheus_apsystems:latest

Perform a APsystems

curl localhost:5000/metrics

Or visit http://localhost:5000/metrics

Running Unit Tests



  • Arkadiusz Ptak


This product is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE file for details.
