AngularJS Growl Notifications

Growl notifications for AngularJS

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Notifications logically belong inside the view layer of your application.

Most existing growl systems require you to add notifications using JavaScript inside your controller layer.

This very lightweight library (<2KB) allows you to declaratively create notifications using directives only, supporting both inline expressions and HTML.

Think Growl, but in AngularJS directives. Oh, and Bootstrap compatible too.

Official website

Quick start

Learn how to create Mac OS X like pop-up notifications in your AngularJS application.

STEP 1: Install the library

Download the code from GitHub or install it using bower:

$ bower install angular-growl-notifications

Load the library in your markup:

<script type="text/javascript" src="angular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="angular-growl-notifications.js"></script>

Load the growlNotifications module in your AngularJS application:

angular.module('yourApp', ['growlNotifications']);

The library is now loaded in your AngularJS application.

STEP 2: Specify where you want to render the notifications

Before you can create notifications, you need to add the growl-notifications (plural) directive to your markup.

This directive allows you to control where the notifications are rendered in your DOM in case your application requires special behavior.

In most cases you should simply add it as the first element inside the body element:



Check out the growl-notifications directive documentation for more information.

STEP 3: Create notifications

You can now use the growl-notification (singular) directive to create notifications in your application:

  Hello world

Check out the growl-notification directive documentation for all available options.

STEP 4: Customize look and feel

By default no styling is applied so you can completely control the look and feel of the notifications in your application's stylesheet.

The possibilities are endless, for example to display notifications in the top right of your page:

  position: fixed;
  top: 150px;
  right: 10px;
  border: 1px solid black;
  padding: 15px 30px;
  margin-bottom: 15px;

That's it

Hello world

You now have a working notification system in your AngularJS application.

When you load the page, a "Hello world" notification will automatically appear and disappear.

There are many additional features and options, so make sure to visit the examples page for more inspiration and sample code.



Change log


  • Added support for permanent notification using ttl=-1 or ttl=false


  • Make angular dependency version less strict


  • Fix issue with injection of $animate in controller of growlNotification directive



  • Fix issue with minification of controller in growlNotification directive (see this issue).


  • Directives have been rewritten for better performance
  • Now supports manually closing notifications using markup
  • v1 release has been moved to v1.x.x branch


  • Added support for custom css prefix (defaults to Bootstrap alert)


  • The growl-notifications directive now uses an isolate scope


  • Added support for custom options in growl-notification directive
  • Updated demo page


  • Added $animate support
  • Updated demo page


  • Added dist directory with pre-built library files
  • Added demo page


  • Added growl-notification directive to conveniently add notifications from within HTML markup
  • Added growl-notifications directive to conveniently display notifications from within HTML markup
  • Added documentation


  • Initial version