
Redis Scripting in Native C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This project is currently under development, stay tuned :)


RediSharp allows you to write C# code that will execute directly on the Redis server.

It does that by transpiling the C# code to Lua.

var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>()
    {"abc", new List<int>() {1, 2, 3}},
    {"cde", new List<int>() {3, 4, 5}}

foreach (var elem in dict)
    cursor.SetAdd("names", elem.Key);
    foreach (var num in elem.Value)
        cursor.SetAdd($"{elem.Key}_nums", num);

var union = cursor.SetCombine(SetOperation.Union, new RedisKey[] {"abc_nums", "cde_nums"});
var ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int?) cursor.StringGet("exp") ?? 5);
cursor.StringSet("json", Json.Encode(union), ts);

return union;
local dictionary = {["abc"]={1, 2, 3}, ["cde"]={3, 4, 5}};
for _1,_2 in pairs(dictionary) do
 local item = {_1,_2};
 redis.pcall("SADD", "names", item[1])
 for _,item2 in ipairs(item[2]) do
  redis.pcall("SADD", item[1].."_nums", item2)
local array = redis.pcall("SUNION", "abc_nums", "cde_nums");
local value = 1000*((redis.pcall("GET", "exp") or 5));
if value==nil then
 redis.pcall("SET", "json", cjson.encode(array))
elseif value~=nil then
 redis.pcall("SET", "json", cjson.encode(array), "PX", value)
return array;

More Documents


There are currently no exact guidelines/rules for contributing, but it's always welcome :)
Feel free to clone the repository, play with it, open issues, submit pull requests or email me at areller.gm@gmail.com


When we execute Lua scripts from C#, we lose a lot of the advanges that the C# compiler and the IDE offer, such as auto completion, compile-time error checking, debugging, and many more.

RediSharp aims to mitigate these issues.


  • Primitive Types, Arrays, Dictionaries
  • Conditions, Switch Statements, For/While/ForEach loops
  • Anonymous Types
  • TimeSpan
  • String Operations (Join, Split, etc...)
  • Math (Not All)
  • Json
  • Redis Commands: Strings, Lists, Hashes, Sets, Sorted Sets (Not All)


  • Add more Redis commands (Complete Sorted Sets support, HyperHyperLog, Streams, etc...)
  • Support more of C#'s syntax
    • Custom methods (?)
    • Custom types (structs) (?)
  • Document
  • Write more Tests
  • Add debugging support

Source Guide


RediSharp.Demo is a demo project that utilizes the library.

C# Code Decompilation

RediSharp uses ILSpy to decompile compiled lambda function to a C# syntax tree.
See the CSharp folder.


RedIL is an intermidiate language that is created from C# code, and later compiled to Lua, and potentially other targets in the future (See "Future Plans").

Lua Compilation

Lua is written by traversing the RedIL using an IRedILVisitor.
See the Lua folder.


Future Plans

  • Transpiling C# Code directly to C code that will run as a Redis module.


This library is still at it's early stage of development and not meant to be production ready yet. Use at your own risk.