
a small waiting list API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a small waiting list API


  • Clone repository using command git clone https://github.com/innextinit/waitingListbackend.git

  • Then change into the cloned folder with cd waitingListbackend

  • Now install the project with npm i or npm install

  • Make use of the /docs to have access to the API endpoints

  • Create a new branch with git checkout -b [branch-name]. Your branch name should describe the feature you are implementing. e.g

git checkout -b login-with-email
  • After making changes, run git add . to stage all of them or git add [filename] to add only specific files.
  • Commit your changes by running git commit providing a descriptive commit message e.g
git commit -m "added login with email"
  • Finally push update to remote branch with git push origin [your-branch-name] e.g
git push origin login-with-email