- 0
Alexa kann NOUS A1T nicht finden
#22776 opened by JungeG - 1
[SOLVED] Error when cc.flash() zigbee coordinator firmware on Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Pro
#22781 opened by pploume - 1
- 4
KNX reception of telegrams no longer works 14.4.x
#22714 opened by skynet74 - 2
Unable to flash new (SonoffZBPro_coord_20240710.hex) zigbee coordinator firmware on Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Pro
#22765 opened by spamik - 3
Gosund P1 or Nous A5T Analog button error in release 14.4.X
#22729 opened by gerliczky - 7
After a firmware update "tasmota/discovery/..../sensors" sends an incomplete data set (ESP8285N08)
#22730 opened by Rennpferd - 1
Sensor Readings on THR320D (with TS01) are "null"/missing, starting from Release 14.1.0 (Rachel)
#22764 opened by VanillaFord - 2
ShutterStop doesn't work correctly
#22743 opened by DennisXK - 0
SML script for Landis + Gyr ZMD410
#22757 opened by hilleke-dirk - 3
ESP8266EX: No working WifiManager access point
#22756 opened by probonopd - 0
Ikea Tradfri Zigbee Lamp - Reports "ON" when "OFF" command sent. Need to send 2 x "OFF" commands to report correctlty
#22752 opened by huwdavid - 3
IP config bug
#22742 opened by on4ami - 10
SSD1306 Display does not work anymore on Tasmota 14.3
#22581 opened by Hennyr - 1
error: 'esp_gpio_revoke' was not declared in this scope
#22741 opened by pmendiuk - 7
Softreset init problem Tasmota 4.3.3 on Wemos D1 and DHT22
#22482 opened by EkkiBrue - 9
- 1
- 0
indicate, in Web UI, whether timer is enabled by changing color of corresponding tab (1-16)
#22657 opened by discip - 1
Strange POWER command happening on MQTT connect
#22672 opened by cdntinker - 2
Energy calculation not proper
#22652 opened by rohanpatil-rc - 1
- 1
Sonoff ZB Bridge Pro: Status 99 after upgrading to Koenkk firmware 20240710 (SonoffZBPro_coord_20240710.hex)
#22627 opened by Torxgewinde - 2
Connect failed to mqtt rc -5
#22628 opened by flogehring - 3
- 1
- 5
Teleinfo plugin not working on GPIO13
#22613 opened by azertylr - 7
- 0
- 6
No TLS MQTT connection attempt in Safeboot
#22587 opened by ajaypala - 0
Berry webclient : error -1296 with self-signed certificate
#22590 opened by MG695 - 3
Active Power Total sometimes disappears in Shelly 3EM
#22579 opened by jeroenst - 0
- 2
- 4
user_config_override.h can't override the config set in tasmota_configurations.h
#22569 opened by Frogmore42 - 2
- 0
hi using esp6822 12e module .AT command Tring connected http post and get server it showing error
#22552 opened by venkatesh123672 - 0
Horizontal jitter and poor widget rendering on display Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-7 800 x 480, 8MB PSRAM, 8MB Flash, ST7262, GT911
#22551 opened by MarkMakies - 6
Word "¤" inside a variable or inside a comment is replaced by "¤" character after saving a file on file system
#22492 opened by Phlavio-SPR - 7
Sonoff Basic R4 Magicswitch bounces when toggled by command
#22535 opened by crhass - 12
Tasmota Client - tele query loop - trigger over and over again. Broken on 14.2.0
#22537 opened by kofec - 0
please delete, resolved
#22521 opened by hagenbuch - 1
[Shelly Plus 1PM] console is flooded with messages about garbage coming from the serial port
#22516 opened by tm-107 - 1
SwitchModes 3–6 documentation garbled
#22509 opened by madduck - 6
- 2
Can't set a 'HumOffset' bigger/smaller than -10.0
#22479 opened by mircsicz - 5
- 5
Button_tc missing
#22446 opened by dingausmwald - 2
LilyGO TTGO TO ESP8266 OLED SH1106 no longer working after update to 14.3.0
#22450 opened by matze20211 - 1
Rule for "Clock#Timer=16" do not work
#22437 opened by btro1404