
JavaScript SDK for Arengu Forms

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Arengu Forms JavaScript SDK

Embed our forms easily into your website with our JavaScript SDK.

Table of Contents

Getting started

To get started, paste this snippet into the head tag of your website:

<script async src="https://sdk.arengu.com/forms.js"></script>

This snippet will load our JavaScript SDK into your website asynchronously, so it won’t affect your website load speed.

Embed a form

Specify where you want to embed our form using any of the following techniques.

Method 1: Using a HTML tag (Recommended)

Place the following HTML tag where you want your form to appear:

<div data-arengu-form-id="YOUR_FORM_ID"></div>

You have to replace YOUR_FORM_ID with your Form ID, which you can find in your form settings or share page.

You can place multiple HTML tags on the same page, our SDK will detect all tags with data-arengu-form-id attribute and embed the forms inside them.

You can populate field or hidden field values to your form using URL parameters or data-field-fieldId attribute (where fieldId has to be replaced with its real identifier).

Example using URL parameters for code field:


Example using custom attribute for code field:

<div data-arengu-form-id="YOUR_FORM_ID" data-field-code="ABC123"></div>

Method 2: Calling our embed method

Our SDK has an embed method that allows to embed your form inside any element.

embed method definition:

ArenguForms.embed(formId, selector);

The embed call has the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
formId (required) String The Form ID of your form. You can find it in your form settings or share page.
selector (required) String|Element Query selector or DOM element that the form will be appended to.
customValues (optional) Object Object id-value pair to populate field or hidden field values.

Example using the query selector:

ArenguForms.embed('5073697614331904', '.form-container');

Example using the query selector and populated values:

ArenguForms.embed('5073697614331904', '.form-container', {
  userId: '123456',
  email: 'jane.doe@arengu.com'

That snippet will embed the form with ID 5073697614331904 into the element with .form-container class.

Another example using the element directly:

const container = document.querySelector('.form-container');
ArenguForms.embed('5073697614331904', container);

In this case, the snippet gets a reference to the element and passes it directly to the embed() method.

Style customization

The look and feel of ours forms can be personalized to use your branding colors and share the same design when they are embedded into your website.

These configuration can be modified while you preview the result in our forms editor.

  1. Log into Arengu
  2. Go to Forms module.
  3. Edit the corresponding form.
  4. Go to Design panel.
  5. Edit the theme.

Based on your choice, the SDK will calculate automatically the rest of settings.

Advanced personalization

Sometimes, the calculated style do not satisfy the branding requirements. For those cases, our SDK allows you to override the calculated look and feel.

We do not want you to define tens of CSS rules and selectors, so we have defined a list of variables that you can define and our SDK uses automatically.

  • Backgrounds: primary-color, boolean-background-color, dropdown-icon-color, dropdown-background-color, dropdown-option-background-color, dropdown-option-hover-background-color, message-success-background-color
  • Paddings: input-padding, dropdown-padding, password-padding, payment-input-padding, button-padding
  • Borders:
    • Color: input-border-color, border-focus-color
    • Radius: input-border-radius, checkbox-border-radius, button-border-radius, message-border-radius
    • Widths: input-border-width
  • Sizes: input-height
  • Fonts:
    • Sizes: font-size, input-font-size, label-font-size, counter-font-size, hint-font-size, button-font-size, field-error-font-size, message-fail-font-size
    • Colors: font-color, primary-font-color, field-error-font-color, label-required-color
    • Family: font-family
    • Weights: label-font-weight, button-font-weight

You can define those variables using the generic CSS selector .af-form. For example:

.af-form {
  --primary-color: #20C997;
  --font-size: '16px';

If you want to define different styles for multiple forms, a more specific CSS selector .af-form-FORMID is available. For example:

.af-form-159308471972087980 {
  --primary-color: #20C997;

.af-form-5639313064722432 {
  --primary-color: #15798F;

Custom DOM events

Our SDK provides several types of custom DOM events. You can utilize the events within your JavaScript code to run a function in a specific situation. These events are particularly useful for analytics purposes.

List of custom DOM events:

Event Description
af-init Fires when the SDK initializes successfully.
af-getForm Fires when requesting a form.
af-getForm-success Fires when successfully getting a form.
af-getForm-error Fires when there is an error trying to get a form.
af-embedForm Fires when starting to embed a form.
af-embedForm-error Fires when there is an error embedding a form.
af-embedForm-success Fires when a form is successfully embed.
af-previousStep Fires when going to the previous form step.
af-nextStep Fires when continuing to the next form step.
af-submitForm Fires when a form is submitted, regardless of the result.
af-submitForm-error Fires when there is an error submitting a form.
af-submitForm-success Fires when a form is submitted successfully.
af-invalidFields-error Fires when there are invalid fields.
af-blurField Fires when a field loses focus
af-focusField Fires when a field gets focus
af-changeField Fires when the value of a field has been changed.

Example listening an event and printing a message:

document.addEventListener('af-submitForm-success', function() {

All these events pass data to the event handler as detail property.

List of available properties of the event object:

Property Description
detail.formId The ID of the form. 
detail.confirmation.id The ID of the submission.
detail.fielId The ID of the field.
detail.value The value of the field.
detail.current The ID of the current step.
detail.next The ID of the next step.
detail.previous The ID of the previous step
detail.formData The submitted form fields data.
detail.metaData The submitted form meta data.

Example listening an event and using detail property to send analytics data:

document.addEventListener('af-submitForm-success', function(e) {
  analytics.track('formSubmit', {
    formId: e.detail.formId

Browser compatibility

Our SDK is built for two different targets: modern browsers and legacy ones. The CDN automatically delivers the right one in function of the User-Agent header specified in the request.

The following table specifies the minimum version supported by each target:

Browser Standard Legacy
Google Chrome >= 55 (Dec 2016) >= 40 (Jan 2015)
Mozilla Firefox >= 53 (Apr 2017) >= 40 (Aug 2015)
Safari (Desktop) >= 11 (Sept 2017) >= 10 (Sept 2016)
Safari (iOS) >= 11 (Sept 2017) >= 10 (Sept 2016)
Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) >= 17 (Apr 2018) >= 13 (Sept 2015)
Opera >= 42 (Dec 2016) >= 33 (Oct 2015)
Internet Explorer None >= 11 (Oct 2013)