
exploring python

Primary LanguagePython

To-Do List Application

Project Overview

The To-Do List Application is a simple console-based tool that helps users manage their tasks efficiently. It allows users to add, view, complete, and delete tasks, making it a practical way to track daily activities.


  • Add Tasks: Users can input new tasks with a description. Each task is added to a list and saved for future sessions.
  • View Tasks: Users can see a list of all tasks along with their completion status (Pending/Completed).
  • Mark as Complete: Users can mark specific tasks as completed, which updates their status.
  • Delete Tasks: Users can remove tasks from the list, allowing them to manage their to-do list effectively.
  • Save to File: Tasks are saved to a JSON file, ensuring that the list persists across program restarts.

Technical Details

  • Language: Python
  • File Handling: Uses JSON for saving and loading tasks.
  • User Interface: Console-based, providing a simple text-based menu for user interaction.
  • Data Storage: Tasks are stored in a JSON file (tasks.json), which allows for persistence between sessions.

Example Usage

  1. Start the application and choose an option from the menu.
  2. Add tasks with descriptions.
  3. View all tasks and their statuses.
  4. Mark tasks as completed or delete them as needed.
  5. The tasks are saved to a file, ensuring that they are not lost when the application is closed.


  • Learning Experience: Provides hands-on experience with Python programming, file handling, and basic data management.
  • Practical Use: Helps users organize their tasks and manage their time better.
  • Expandable: Easy to add more features, such as due dates, categories, or priorities.


  • The application is run locally on the user's machine using a Python interpreter.
  • It can be extended with a graphical user interface (GUI) or a web-based interface in the future.