Based on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty64
This setup is a vagrant example to create 3 systems:
- - 389 Server
- - Replication 389 Server
- - Client Authentication using SSSD
Provided, these systems together achieve:
- Basic LDAP Authentication over LDAP/TLS (389) LDAPS (636)
- SSH PubKey LDAP Authentication
- Puppet templates for Group and User Configuration
- Password Policy and Lockout Policy Configuration
- LDAP Sudo integration for group priv.ldap
- LDAP Sudo Auth via SSH-AGENT using pam-ssh-agent-auth
- Online Backup and Restore
- Multimaster Replication over TLS
It aims to solve some of the PCI-DSS scope for the following PCIDSS v3
PCI Requirement | Description |
8.1.4 | Observe user accounts to verify that any inactive accounts over 90 days old are either removed or disabled. |
8.1.6 | Limit repeated access attempts by locking out the user ID after not more than 6 attempts. |
8.1.7 | Set the lockout duration to a minimum of 30 minutes or until administrator enables the user ID. |
8.1.8 | If a session has been idle for more than 15 minutes, require the user to re-authenticate to re-activate the terminal or session. |
8.2.1 | Using strong cryptography, render all authentication credentials - LDAPS/TLS |
8.2.3 | Require a minimum password length of at least 7 characters. / Use passwords containing both numeric and alphabetic characters. |
8.2.4 | Change user passwords at least every 90 days. |
8.2.5 | Do not allow an individual to submit a new password that is the same as any of the last 4 passwords he or she has used. |
8.2.6 | Set passwords/phrases for first-time use and upon reset to a unique value for each user, and change immediately after the first use. |
It creates 2 posix groups:
Group | ID | sudo |
priv.ldap | 5000 | yes |
unpriv.ldap | 5001 | no |
It creates 2 posix users:
Username | Password | ID | Group |
jsmith | Pa$$w0rd | 10000 | priv.ldap |
mmustermann | QaWsEd123 | 10001 | unpriv.ldap |
This vagrant setup also configures multimaster replication between and
Install vagrant and from the directory of this repository
$ vagrant box add trusty64
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ vagrant destroy
(Note: To get X11 on OSX install xquartz - )
$ vagrant ssh 389-server
$ sudo /usr/bin/389-console -a
$ vagrant ssh 389-replica
$ sudo /usr/bin/389-console -a
$ vagrant ssh 389-client
$ ssh jsmith@
$ vagrant ssh 389-client
$ su - mmustermann
$ vagrant ssh 389-client
$ ssh -A -i /vagrant/pki/jsmith_private_ssh.key jsmith@
Requires pam-ssh-agent-auth >= 0.10.2
$ vagrant ssh 389-client
$ ssh -A -i /vagrant/pki/jsmith_private_ssh.key jsmith@
$ sudo su
$ ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -H ldap:// -s base -b "uid=jsmith,ou=people,dc=arenstar,dc=net" "objectclass=*"
$ ldapwhoami -x -H ldap:// -D "uid=mmustermann,ou=people,dc=arenstar,dc=net" -w QaWsEd123
dn: uid=mmustermann,ou=people,dc=arenstar,dc=net
$ ldapwhoami -x -H ldap:// -D "uid=mmustermann,ou=people,dc=arenstar,dc=net" -w wrongpassword
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)
$ ldapsearch -x -H ldaps:// -b dc=arenstar,dc=net
Refer to "nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus"
$ vagrant ssh 389-server
$ ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -s sub -b cn=config "(objectclass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)"
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <cn=config> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)
# requesting: ALL
# replicaagreement, replica, dc\3Darenstar\2Cdc\3Dnet, mapping tree, config
dn: cn=replicaagreement,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Darenstar\2Cdc\3Dnet,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsds5replicationagreement
cn: replicaagreement
nsDS5ReplicaPort: 389
nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=replication manager,cn=config
nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod: SIMPLE
nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo: TLS
nsDS5ReplicaRoot: dc=arenstar,dc=net
description: agreement between supplier and consumer
nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule: 0000-2359 0123456
nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList: (objectclass=*) $ EXCLUDE authorityRevocationList
nsDS5ReplicaCredentials: secret
nsds5replicareapactive: 0
nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart: 20160407115515Z
nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd: 20160407115515Z
nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus: 0 Replica acquired successfully: Incremental update succeeded
nsds5replicaUpdateInProgress: FALSE
nsds5replicaLastInitStart: 20160407115512Z
nsds5replicaLastInitEnd: 20160407115514Z
nsds5replicaLastInitStatus: 0 Total update succeeded
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
$ vagrant ssh 389-server
$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -f /vagrant/puppet/files/modify_start_replication.ldif
modifying entry "cn=ReplicaAgreement,cn=replica,cn="dc=arenstar,dc=net",cn=mapping tree,cn=config"
From the dirsrv directory eg: /etc/dirsrv/slapd-ldap
$ db2ldif-online -Z ldap -P LDAP -s 'dc=arenstar,dc=net' -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w password -a /var/backups/ldap.ldif
Exporting to ldif file: /var/backups/ldap.ldif
Successfully added task entry "cn=export_2016_4_8_10_6_37, cn=export, cn=tasks, cn=config"
$ ldif2db-online -Z ldap -P LDAP -s 'dc=arenstar,dc=net' -D 'cn=Directory Manager' -w password -i /var/backups/ldap.ldif
Successfully added task entry "cn=import_2016_4_8_10_7_17, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config"