
This repository contains instructions, commands and configurations required to run a SWARM Masternode. SWARM Masternodes are a way for anyone to provide services to the SWARM network - and to be rewarded for doing so.

Primary LanguageShell

SWARM Masternodes

This repository contains instructions, commands and configurations required to run a SWARM Masternode. SWARM Masternodes are a way for anyone to provide services to the SWARM network - and to be rewarded for doing so.

Join the Swarm Masternode Telegram group to connect with other Masternode operators and to get help.

This guide assumes:

  • installation will be on a VPS as opposed to a physical machine
  • usage of Ubuntu linux
  • connecting from Windows with Putty


Installing a SWARM Masternode will require the following setup and specifications on the host machine/VPS.

  • 50,000 SWM tokens in a single wallet (only one Masternode can be set up per wallet)
  • Linux/MacOS with 1GB of RAM and minimum 20GB of disk space dedicated to IPFS data.
  • Git installed
  • Docker CE & Docker Compose installed
  • Public static IP address, with firewall allowing public TCP ports (80 & 4001)
  • Publicly available TCP Ports:
    • 80 for Nginx
    • 4001 for IPFS
  • Free local TCP ports containers will bind on:
    • 8080
    • 5001

Detailed step-by-step installation guide

Set up a Virtual Private Server (VPS) with Ubuntu Server 18 LTS 64bit, meeting the following minimum requirements. Then proceed to connecting and setting up your Masternode:

Minimum Specifications:

  • 1 Virtual CPU
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 20 GB Hard Disk
  • 2 TB/month transfer

Connect to your newly created server

  1. Download and install PuTTY from https://www.putty.org
  2. Run PuTTY to connect to your new server:
    • In the hostname field, enter the IP address of the server you created.
    • Set Port to 22
    • Set connection type to SSH
    • Click Open to connect to server
    • PuTTY security alert warning screen: Select YES
    • Sign in with user ‘root’ using your root credentials

Update Ubuntu to the latest version using the following commands in the PuTTY console:

  1. sudo apt update
  2. sudo apt upgrade
    • When prompted to restart services without asking, select “Yes”

Still in the PuTTY console, create a new user and give it sudo rights with the following commands:

Note: Replace USERNAME with a username you would like to use:

  1. adduser USERNAME
    • enter and confirm password
    • enter user information (optional)
  2. usermod -a -G sudo USERNAME
  3. logout

Run PuTTY again and this time sign in with USERNAME and the password you set above

Install all necessary dependencies

Enter all commands below into the PuTTY console. Ensure each command successfully completes before entering the next one.

Install docker-compose

  1. sudo apt install docker-compose

Install docker-ce

  1.  sudo apt-get install \
     apt-transport-https \
     ca-certificates \
     curl \
     gnupg-agent \
  2. curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
  3.  sudo add-apt-repository \
     "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
     $(lsb_release -cs) \
  4. sudo apt-get update
  5. sudo apt-get install docker-ce
  6. sudo usermod -aG docker USER
  7. logout
  8. Run PuTTY again and log back in with USER to apply the changes above.

Install Swarm Masternode software

  1. git clone https://github.com/swarmfund/swarm-masternode.git masternode
  2. cd masternode
  3. mkdir -p ./ipfs/staging
  4. sh masternode.sh up

Check your Masternode is running


If your Masternode is properly connected, you should be able to see following page:

alt text

Register your Masternode

Go to https://masternodes.swarm.fund/ and follow the instructions.

When you see the success message, you have completed setting up and registering your SWARM Masternode.


Additional commands for managing your node

Enter all commands below into the PuTTY console. Ensure each command successfully completes before entering the next one.

Start in the root/home directory of your USER by entering the command cd ~

Stopping your node:

  1. cd masternode
  2. sh masternode.sh stop

Stopping and removing your node instance:

  1. cd masternode
  2. sh masternode.sh down

Upgrading container images:

  1. cd masternode
  2. sh masternode.sh upgrade

Upgrading masternode configuration and scripts:

  1. cd masternode
  2. git pull
  3. sh masternode.sh restart

Generating a new Masternode ID

If, for any reason, you need to register your node again from scratch, use the following commands to generate a new MNID

  1. cd masternode
  2. sh masternode.sh down
  3. rm -rf ipfs
  4. mkdir -p ipfs/staging
  5. sh masternode.sh up