
Indico external module for integrated search engine based on repoze.catalog module

Primary LanguagePython


Indico external module for integrated search engine based on repoze.catalog module


Repozer is an integration of repoze.catalog ( http://docs.repoze.org/catalog/ ) into Indico as a search plug-in. Indico comes with few integrated search functionality. Repozer gives you the ability to search inside Events directly in Indico, without external tools. Searching with repoze.catalog is very easy and powerful, if you need some customized query just take a look at: http://docs.repoze.org/catalog/usage.html#searching



We strongly suggest you to install your Indico instance from SOURCE: http://indico-software.org/wiki/Dev/GettingStarted Otherwise, you will have to change your source files in //lib/python2.6/site-packages
Indico v. 1.2 is REQUIRED

STEP 1: Install Repoze staff

  • Go to "/src/indico/ext/search/" and do:
    git clone https://github.com/Ictp/Repozer.git repozer

This should also install repoze.catalog . If it fails, you can do it manually: pip install repoze.catalog

  • Save and from shell in /src/indico/ext/search/repozer:
    $ python setup.py install

STEP 2: Configure and create Catalog

  • Start Indico
  • Enter Admin web interface, Plugins
  • Enable Search plugin, Repozer, set default Sea = Repozer and Save Settings
  • Via shell, go to "/src/indico/ext/search/repozer/manage" and type:
    $ python createRepozeCatalog.py

this will create the repozecatalog inside your Data.fs (you should see percentage numbers)

  • It could take a long time. At the end it will pack your DB.

Now your search engine is up-n-running!


With Repozer > 0.9.2 Materials are now indexable!!! You will be able to search for: 'pdf','doc','docx','odt','rtf','wpd','txt','html','xlsx','ppt','pptx','xls','ods','odp','sxc','sxw','csv','sxi'

... but you have to follow some additional STEPS:

  • INSTALL Poppler and OpenOffice/LibreOffice, with headless pkg:

      • yum install poppler
      • yum install libreoffice
      • yum install libreoffice-headless
  • UNCOMMENT line 13 in tpls/SearchResult.tpl : to make Material visible in the 'search in' combo

  • EDIT manage/createRepozeCatalog.py and set:

    indexMaterial = True
  • START OpenOffice/LibreOffice service:
    $ soffice --headless --accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" --nofirststartwizard 
  • DONE! Now you can re-run createRepozeCatalog.py for indexing all your Materials!

  • IMPORTANT: Right now, I do not have found an hook to the add/remove/edit Material event, so if you add/remove/edit Materials the Repozer Catalog wont know that! :( The suggested way to solve the issue is a CRONJOB that, once a day for example, checks for edited Conferences and re-index them. I've prepared a python script that achieve this: manage/updateMaterials.py So, last suggested STEP:

  • PUT THIS in your cronjob:

    0 2 * * * /usr/bin/python /opt/indico/src/indico/ext/search/repozer/manage/updateMaterials.py 

Search also inside Materials WORKS now with different charsets!!!


There are some things that you should notice:

  • Results pagination has been disabled and results are limited to 5000 (you can change this behaviour by yourself by looking into code)


You can also use Repozer with http_api for letting thirdy-party software to make queries to Indico and receive XML/JSON (form JSON use 'search.json') output. To understand it better, just take a look at http_api.py E.g. you can make a call like this:

http://<Indico URL>/indico/export/conference/search.xml?start_date=2013/01/01&keywords=Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics,Computational Physics in Condensed Matter

Usable Parameters are:

  • start_date
  • end_date
  • today (shows Conferences running, alternative for start/end_date)
  • keywords
  • category

But you can easily edit the code to search for other fields, like in implementation.py To get richer Events data, you can change default DETAILS. E.g.:

http://<Indico URL>/indico/export/conference/search.json?detail=contributions&today=2013/04/10

Enjoy! :)