This is a small collection of toy functions, exploration, and examples of parsing LaTeX in order to detect various characteristics of a mathematical expression (like degree) using tools like Mathematica, Desmos, et al.
These are somewhere between scratch work and proofs of concept. They do not yet reflect a variety of edge cases, and was created as part of the PBLL, which was interested in attempting to automatically understand what kinds of mathematical ideas someone may be working with.
Each example conains a README with some context for the original problem or question.
- MathML from Desmos, via LaTeX — Getting a machine readable representation of a Desmos calculator and parsing its expressions into MathML.
— Explore how to extract the degree/order of an expression from its LaTeX representation .deTeXify
— Parse a LaTeX expression (e.g. from a Desmos calculator) and attempt to disambiguate parentheses as implied multiplication from function calls.