
Stock portfolio app that allows users to buy shares of a stock and see their transactions and aggregated portfolio. Built with React, Ruby on Rails, IEX Cloud API, Semantic UI React, JWT & BCrypt auth.

Primary LanguageRuby

Super Stocks - NYC Tech Talent Pipeline Fullstack Assessment

For this assessment I was asked to implement a web-based stock portfolio app with the user stories listed below. I'm calling my app Super Stocks and it can be viewed at https://super-stocks.netlify.com.

The frontend subdirectory is deployed via Netlify and the backend subdirectory is deployed via Heroku.

Netlify Status

Super Stocks Portfolio

Super Stocks Transactions

User Stories

  1. As a user, I want to create a new account with my name, email, and password so that I can buy and trade stocks.

    • Default the user’s cash account balance to $5000.00 USD.
    • A user can only register once with any given email.
  2. As a user, I want to authenticate via email and password so that I can access my account.

  3. As a user, I want to buy shares of stock at its current price by specifying its ticker symbol and the number of shares so that I can invest.

    • A user can only buy whole number quantities of shares.
    • A user can only buy shares if they have enough cash in their account for a given purchase.
    • A user can only buy shares if the ticker symbol is valid.
  4. As a user, I want to view a list of all transactions I’ve made to date (trades) so that I can perform an audit.

  5. As a user, I want to view my portfolio (a list of all the stocks I own along with their current values) so that I can review performance.

    • Current values should be based on the latest price and quantity owned for a given stock.
    • Each stock owned should only appear once.
  6. As a user, I’d like to see the font color of stock symbols and current prices in my portfolio change dynamically to indicate performance.

    • Display red when the current price is less than the day’s open price.
    • Display grey when the current price is equal to the day’s open price.
    • Display green when the current price is greater than the day’s open price.

Technology Used

  • React
  • Ruby on Rails
  • IEX Cloud API
  • React Router
  • PostgreSQL database
  • ActiveModel Serializer
  • Semantic UI React
  • JWT Authentication
  • BCrypt

How To Use

Visit the site at https://super-stocks.netlify.com.

To test on your own machine:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Go to https://iexcloud.io/ to create an account and get an API key
  3. Switch to Ruby version 2.6.1
  4. Make sure postgreSQL is running on your computer, if not, download and run it
  5. Create an .env file within the stocks-backend directory
  6. In the .env file, create a constant variable JWT_SECRET_KEY and set it equal to whatever you want your secret key to be. Ex:
  1. In the .env file, create a constant variable IEX_API_KEY and set it equal to your API key from Step 2
  2. Within the stocks-backend directory, in terminal run
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails s -p 3001
  1. Within the stocks-frontend directory, update all fetch request URLs in App.js to the url where your rails server is running (if you followed above instructions, this is http://localhost:3001)
  2. Within the stocks-frontend directory, in terminal run
npm install
npm start
