
npm module to create a node-webkit build - should become the base for https://github.com/mllrsohn/grunt-node-webkit-builder

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

node-webkit-builder NPM version Build Status Dependency Status


Lets you build your node-webkit apps for mac, win and linux via cli. It will download the prebuilt binaries for a newest version, unpacks it, creates a release folder, create the app.nw file for a specified directory and copies the app.nw file where it belongs.


npm install node-webkit-builder --save-dev
npm install node-webkit-builder -g
Grunt and Gulp Plugins

Yes, there is also a Grunt Plugin. For Gulp, just use the module :)


Usage: nwbuild [options] [path]

  -p, --platforms      Platforms to build, comma-sperated, can be: win,osx,linux32,linux64   [default: "osx,win"]
  -v, --version        The nw version, eg. 0.8.4                                             [default: "latest"]
  -r, --run            Runs node-webkit for the current platform                            [default: false]  
  -o, --buildDir       The build folder                                                      [default: "./build"]
  -f, --forceDownload  Force download of node-webkit                                         [default: false]
  --quiet              Disables logging                                                      [default: false]

Run node-webkit

During development you can run node-webkit with nwbuild -r path/to/your/younwapp/

Or use the module:

var NwBuilder = require('node-webkit-builder');
var nw = new NwBuilder({
    files: './path/to/nwfiles/**/**', // use the glob format
    platforms: ['win','osx']

// Log stuff you want
nw.on('log',  console.log);

// Build returns a promise
nw.build().then(function () {
   console.log('all done!');
}).catch(function (error) {

// And supports callbacks
nw.build(function(err) {
    if(err) console.log(err);


options.files Required

Type: String
Default value: null

The path to your node webkit app. It supports simple-glob so you can do stuff like ['foo/*.js', '!foo/bar.js', 'foo/bar.js'].


Type: String Default value: 'latest'

The version of node-webkit you want to use. Per default it looks up the latest version. Here is a list of all available releases


Type: Array
Default value: ['win', 'osx']

The platforms you want to build. Can be ['win', 'osx', 'linux32', 'linux64']


Type: String
Default value: false

The Name of your node-webkit app. If this value is set to null, it will autodetect the name form your projects package.json. This will be used to generate a plist file for mac.


Type: String
Default value: false

The version of your node-webkit app. If this value is set to null, it will autodetect the version form your projects package.json. This will be used to generate a plist file for mac.


Type: String
Default value: ./build

This is where the releases are saved.


Type: String
Default value: ./cache

This is where the cached node-webkit downloads are


Type: String or function Default value: default

How you want to save your build.

  • default [appName]
  • versioned [appName] -v[appVersion]
  • timestamped [appName] - [timestamp];
  • A function with options as scope (e.g function () {return this.appVersion;} )


Type: Boolean
Default value: false

This will delete everything in your build_dir directory, including the cached downloaded prebuilt binaries


Type: String
Default value: false

MAC ONLY: The path to your credits.html file. If your don't provide your own it will use the one provided by node-webkit


Type: String
Default value: false

MAC ONLY: The path to your ICNS icon file. If your don't provide your own it will use the one provided by node-webkit


Type: Boolean
Default value: false

MAC ONLY: Use a app.nw folder instead of ZIP file, this significantly improves the startup speed of applications on mac, since no decompressing is needed. Builds on other platforms will still use ZIP files.


Type: String
Default value: false

MAC ONLY: if you supply a string to a Plist file it will use it. Otherwise it will generate something usefull from your package.json


Type: String
Default value: null

WINDOWS ONLY: The path to your ICO icon file. If your don't provide your own it will use the one provided by node-webkit. If you are building on MAC or LINUX you must have Wine installed to use this option.

To Do:

  • Test it on Linux and Windows

Release History

  • 2014-08-19 0.1.2 adds a progress bar to downloads, fixes downloading through a proxy, fixed winIco, bug fixes
  • 2014-08-01 0.1.0 use app filename for generated executables, optimized version checking, (known issue: winIco on windows)
  • 2014-07-31 0.0.4 fixed compatibility with nodewebkit 0.10.0
  • 2014-04-20 Added run option, bug fixes
  • 2014-04-13 Preview Release


MIT License