This package includes a collection of tools to work with PostgreSQL connections and databases. Connection function requires credentials to be stored in your .Renviron
file. This avoids the need to supply usernames or password in code. It also avoids potential for accidentally exposing credentials when sharing code in public repositories.
The idea of storing credentials in the .Renviron
file comes from a post by Hadley Wickham:
There was a bug in R-3.4.0 that prevented installation of this package. You will need to install R-3.4.1 or higher.
This package also depends on the RPostgres package which is not yet available on CRAN. You will need to install the following from GitHub.
# Install the development versions from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
In order to use the functions in this package you must store your connection credenials: host_name, username, and password
in your .Renviron
file. To add these items to your .Renviron
file you will first need to create, or locate, your .Renviron
file. In your R console, enter:
The path to your .Renviron
file will be displayed. Use RStudio to either create a new .Renviron
file if it does not exist, or open the existing .Renviron
file from the specified location. A full set of credentials to connect to PostgreSQL should look similar to:
Simply add your credentials as in the example above. The arguments to the pg_con()
function: host_label, user_label, and password_label
are the parts before the equals sign. The actual values needed to connect are the parts following the equals sign. See the example for the pg_con()
Make sure there is an extra space at the bottom of the last entry in the .Renviron
file before saving, or R will silently fail to read the entries. You will need to close RStudio and then reopen after saving. Afterwards, every time you open RStudio the environment variables will be available in your session.
Detailed instructions on how to add credentials to your .Renviron
file can be found in the Appendix section of: