
Retargettable AVR support library. Eventually intended as a performant Arduino replacement.

Primary LanguageC


An open-source, performant, retargettable replacement for Arduino base libraries. libAVR emphasizes straight-up-C and low overhead while maintaining extreme modularity and acceptable performance.

Project Status

I'm a graduating senior, so I don't have much time at the moment. I built this for a telemetry package based on the XMEGA architecture, but I'm slowly porting the good parts over to support any AVR architecture. Eventually, I plan the following support in this library:

  • Generic Utilities
    • Fastest-possible descriptive GPIO (HIGH(hardcodedPinName) compiles to 1 instruction)
    • Rich printf-like debugging support via USART
    • Status LED support
    • Industry-standard numeric parsing routines
    • CRC7 and CRC16
    • Endianness convenience routines
    • Precise lat-long data structures
  • Data Structures
    • Fast (interrupt latency-acceptable) circular buffers
    • Linked-lists
    • Heaps
  • Rich Peripheral Support
    • Onboard ADC
    • SPI
      • Linux-like driver for rich interrupt-driven tasks (see below)
      • Extended polling via interrupts
    • Hardware Timers
      • Signal Decoding
    • TWI
    • USART
      • "Asynchronous" communication via interrupts
      • Buffer watching (think: How many newlines have been received?)
      • Standard synchronous communication
      • RTS/CTS signalling for transmission
      • VT100 support
  • Offboard Sensor support
    • ADS1147 ADC
    • BMP085
    • LIS302/LIS331 3-axis accelerometers
    • HMC5883 3-axis magnetometer
    • IMU3000 (basic support, no DMP)
  • Secure Digital and microSD support
    • Interrupt-driven!
  • GPS NMEA parsing
    • Lat/Long, altitude, 3-d velocity
    • From USART or arbitrary buffer