
🎶 Fandom - Create Custom Playlists from Your Favorite Books, Movies, and TV Shows

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Fandom - Playlist Generator

How it works

This project uses OpenAI's GPT-3 (text-davinci-003) to generate playlists based on your favourite Book, Movie, or TV Show. The API runs on Vercel Edge Functions.

The client sends a custom prompt (w/ user input) to the backend which then gets processed by the GPT-3 API. After receiving the response, it returns the list of songs back to the client.

How to run locally

You'll need an API key from OpenAI. Create your account and retrieve your (https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys).

Create your own .env file and copy the required keys from the .env.example template

Then, run the application using the command line:

npm run dev

Access through http://localhost:3000

This project is heavily influenced by the following projects:

Thank you!