
This is a rebuild of containers/buildah for use in Konflux-CI. Two images are produced by this repository. One is a simple rebuild of buildah and is available at quay.io/konflux-ci/buildah:latest. The other is oriented at customizing the behavior of buildah within Tekton tasks and is available at quay.io/konflux-ci/buildah-task:latest.

Updating the git submodule

git init buildah
cd buildah
git checkout main && git pull
cd ..

Releasing images in Konflux

In order to reduce unnecessary updates to buildah image references in konflux-ci/build-definitions, we have disabled the auto-release of produced snapshots. This means that in order to trigger image reference updates with Renovate, we need to manually release the latest snapshot.

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: Release
 name: <unique-name-of-this-release>
 namespace: rhtap-build-tenant
 releasePlan: buildah-container
 snapshot: <application-snapshot-name>

While you can find the Snapshot via the Konflux UI, you can also identify the latest snapshot via the CLI:

$ kconfig=<path-to-kubeconfig> && for application in $(oc get applications --no-headers=true -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" --kubeconfig=$kconfig); do oc get snapshots -l "pac.test.appstudio.openshift.io/event-type in (push, Push),appstudio.openshift.io/application=${application}" --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp --kubeconfig=$kconfig | tail -1; done | grep buildah-container
buildah-container-xcrf4   20d