My personal collection of settings, scripts and other customizations.
Still a work in progress. See topic directories for individual installers.
Other than that, check out the README file in some subdirectories for more information about that particular topic.
The README.markdown in Holman's dotfiles says it best:
I want this to work for everyone; that means when you clone it down it should work for you even though you may not have
installed, for example. That said, I do use this as my dotfiles, so there's a good chance I may break something if I forget to make a check for a dependency.If you're brand-new to the project and run into any blockers, please open an issue on this repository and I'd love to get it fixed for you!
Some of this is my own, some is just my own adaptation and some may be copies collected throughout the years with the attribution lost. Recognize something? Thanks! Let me know and I'll give credit accordingly...
- Zach Holman's post, dotfiles are meant to be forked