
Use for passing the Sanctions

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Use for passing the Sanctions

Step 1:

prepare a linux server (ubuntu/debian) with a PUBLIC IP address available on it.
Install docker on it, you can use the following link if you use ubuntu 20.04:

Step 2:

Clone this repo onto your server using this command (you have to install git first using "sudo apt install git"):
$sudo git clone https://github.com/arezoomaleki/smartdns.git

Step 3:

go to the smartdns directory and change SERVER_IP in Dockerfile.

Step 4:

$cd smartdns
$sudo docker build . -t smartdns:latest
$docker run -d -it --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -p 53:53/udp -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -e IP=ServerPublicIP smartdns:latest

Everytime you add a domain into dnsmasq.conf and domains.txt you have to remove your container, build a new docker image and docker run again.