
Network automation using various python modules in Python3

Primary LanguagePython

Network-Automation-Scripts using Python3

Libraries: Pyeapi, Netmiko, Napalm, Telnetlib, Restconf, Nxapi, Nornir, Netconf

This repository hold various automation scripts I've written over the years. My goal has been to use this as a repository for knowledge retention as well knowledge sharing. I plan to continue to grow this respository as long as I'm still doing stuff in the network automation space.

This has been a iterative learning process for me and I will be archiving or deleting scripts that no longer have value.

Network Controllers

  • Playing around with Packet Tracer and testing out its network controller
  • Grab network device info - network_controller/get_device_info.py
  • Grab more generic info from network devices - network_controller/get_all_devices_info.py
  • Update network devices (site wide) - network_controller/update_device_config.py

Nornir - TestDrive

  • Cisco IOS - GNS3 lab - nornir/using_netmiko_plugin
  • Arista Ceos lab - nornir/using_napalm_plugin
  • Testing newer version of Nornir, not backwards compatible with version 1.x


  • Getting used to xmlns is a challenge and can be frustrating. Took me a while to find the proper xmlns to config a loopback
  • Wrote a script to find out where that xmlns is in the server capabilities dump
    • netconf_svr_capability.py
    • netconf_svr_capability_ouput.txt
  • Documentation around netconf is not intuitive from my point of view
  • This will be a trial and error process.
  • Script to config loopback interface
    • netconf_config_device.py - configured a loopback on devnet router
    • netconf_config_device_output.text - results
  • Script to do config backups.
    • netconf_iosxe_cfg_bkup.py - rewrite of netconf_config_bkup.py
    • netconf_config_bkup.py - goes out pulls running config and places it in config_bkup/ directory
    • netconf_config_output.txt - the results of the script
  • First time using netconf
    • netconf_ex1.py
    • netconf_get_conf.py


  • Minor update to the to make output from commands more readable
    • added : print(json.dumps(response, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
    • added nxapi_script02.py and nxapi_script02_output.txt for comparison to original script
  • Found this api documentation to be lacking
  • Script examples I found were rigid and not very flexible
  • Created a script to allow user to enter any commands (config/show) w/o having to rewrite the script.
    • nxapi_script_ex1.py


  • Created two scripts one to create an interface and the other to delete it
    • create_intf.py
    • delete_intf.py
    • script_output.txt

Pyeapi - Python client for Arista eAPI

  • pyeapi_w_out_conf.py - using pyeapi without config file
  • Cleaning up directory archived some scripts and created interactive script folder
  • Posted configs and validation scripts for ceos demo
  • Posted configs and validation from demo
  • hidden host config file, needs to be located in ~/.eapi.conf
  • created two sample scripts

Netmiko testing

  • Got a request today to help someone write a script. Created folder and will keep the scripts in there.
    • script_requests/req_config_script_07292020.py
  • Haven't messed around with Netmiko in quite a while decided to play around and try and update an old script to have both (show/conf) functionality.
  • It's painfully slow as I haven't added any features such as MP to it to speed it up, but it was working with the devnet CSRs.
  • Basically the script will ask the user if this is going to be a configuration or show commands script. Depending on the answer the script will do one or the other.
    • test_stuff/interactive_script.py
    • test_stuff/interactive_script_output.txt
  • NetworkDiscovery/host_file_and_script/ has the most pragmatic scripts for doing network discovery (ie..scripts that run show commands and captures the results and saves them to files)
  • Netmiko scripts for running show commands can be found in the NetworkDiscovery folder
    • show_commands.py - easiest for every day troubleshooting and operations and lab work
  • Python3.7 works with the scripts as written. Python3.8 is not yet ready.
  • Reorganized some config scripts into config_scripts folder
    • Scripts are self explanatory
  • Created a script to go out and automatically determine the device_type for a host_list or seedfile.
    • NetworkDiscovery/host_file_and_script/auto_detect_script.py
  • sample script to connect to juniper device
    • juniper_script1.py
    • juniper_conf_from_file.py
  • scp
    • file transfers to veos devices hosted using vagrant
    • file transfers to multiple devices using containerized eos or ceos
  • Network-Automation-Scripts_Python3/netmiko/NetworkDiscovery/host_file_and_script/
    • ios_discovery_enable_mode.py - if enable pw is required
    • ios_discovery_script.py - if username/password priv level 15
    • host_file.txt
  • Added 3 examples of how to use jinja templates with netmiko
  • conf_bgp_r4_r5_using_class_obj. - uses class object to populate template
  • conf_bgp_r4_r5_using_dict.py - uses dictionaries to populate template
  • conf_bgp_yaml_jinja2.py - uses yaml files to populate a jinja2 template
  • Created new script that provide you a sandbox to say how many devices, what devices, and what to configure on each
    • ssh_sandbox.py
  • Created a very basic ssh script useful for discovery + updated with error handling
  • Created script that can handle multiple device with multiple unique configuration files
  • Added multiprocessing to speed up
    • netmiko_multi_dev_cfg.py
  • Added multiprocessing Pools to scripts to speed them up
    • netmiko_script5.py
    • netmiko_show_cmds.py
    • netmiko speed comparison between serial and multi-processing pools
  • netmiko_script#.py
  • capture output of scripts

Napalm for eos

  • /config_scripts/conf_merge
  • /config_scripts
  • Tested with ipython(python3.6) - EOS_lab_Napalm_test_results
  • napalm_eos_script1.py

Napalm for cisco ios

  • napalm discovery script and post script
    • discovery_ios_svc_now.py
    • post_svc_now_rest_api.py
  • created a config_scripts directory added new script
    • script_config_ios.py
  • added new get_facts and get config script to directory
  • Testing with python3 napalm_base and napalm_ios
  • In my gns3 environment I'm using the following code
    • C7200-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M, Version 15.2(4)S7
    • IOS provides access to a subset of napalms features
    • EOS has been a more feature rich testbed with napalm

Telnetlib module

  • Added script that works with devices that require enable password
  • Use python3 telnetlib module
  • capture output of scripts

Misc stuff

  • script to find duplicate ips
    • findingDupIPs.py
  • simple way to iterate through cli commands when running a script
    • loop_thru_cli_cmds.py
    • loop_thru_cli_cmds_output.txt