Datepicker react component based on semantic-ui-react components
- 0
Popup moves as the page scrolls
#249 opened by c3-juanca - 0
Does not play well at all with keyboard navigation
#248 opened by dlikhten - 0
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How customize popup pointing arrow?
#184 opened by jjavierdguezas - 0
Using only month and year is impossible
#239 opened by GunaySM - 1
maxDate keyboard error
#231 opened by silbulatovich - 1
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Unusual additional step on DatesRange
#154 opened by imadmk - 2
No Programmatic way to close a time picker popup?
#221 opened by mpaccione - 2
TimeInput issue with clearable
#188 opened by happyduong - 3
Autocomplete='off' not working
#196 opened by mpaccione - 3
- 0
Discrete dates input feature
#215 opened by shuieryin - 1
maxTime and minTime for TimeInput would be really nice
#155 opened by MRauca - 0
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Blocking Out Entire Month Kills Component
#202 opened by DannyHinshaw - 1
DateTimeInput popups behind modal
#211 opened by mysteriiet - 3
DateInput error prop isn't implemented
#161 opened by josephkimsungha - 0
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How to custom date picker style for each date ?
#209 opened by thangdjw - 7
How to specify the first day of week ?
#198 opened by jjavierdguezas - 0
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Feature Request: Disable Hours
#204 opened by mohammedrafathz - 3
DateInput Flicker in .tsx
#201 opened by kkakroo - 2
Enter after manual typing will select default date
#185 opened by jaqua - 1
When initialDate < minDate is getting an error
#183 opened by ibnukipa - 1
Component breaking because of moment version
#199 opened by gdelacruzfdez - 2
minDate throws error when field is empty
#176 opened by stevecastaneda - 0
Allow Custom Date Separator props
#197 opened by fullrobot - 0
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Calendar popup jumps around
#152 opened by vnesek - 1
Event for when dateRange picked
#181 opened by saulable - 1
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Malformed form
#187 opened by HoatPro - 1
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Can't Push to Repo?
#190 opened by DovahBrownies - 2
Is this package no longer being maintained?
#189 opened by cam31007 - 0
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hideMobileKeyboard not working
#179 opened by iamdevlinph - 0
How to set a MINUTES_STEP for time picker?
#177 opened by babysharny - 1
How to mask?
#174 opened by veronesecoms - 0
How to integrate it with redux form
#173 opened by joeyUOFA - 1
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onBlur is not working for all input types
#160 opened by Kivylius - 2
disableMinute not obeyed using DateTimeInput
#158 opened by nolawnchairs - 0
closable not working when disable Minute
#156 opened by madist - 3
Popup opens in top left corner
#162 opened by tomitrescak - 0
navigator is not defined when use MothRangeInput
#163 opened by minapapol - 2
Invalid Date from the value returned
#153 opened by claeusdev - 2
Getting values from dateRange
#151 opened by usfslk