Collection of scripts and data location for RNA-SEQ DE & BV Prediction Chapter

Primary LanguageHTML

Collection of RNA-SEQ Data


  • Two batches of loblolly pine families were grown in Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 in order to test

Background of samples

  • LGEP

    • 144 Biological Replicates x 3 technical replicates = 432 technical replicates
  • EW

    • 80 Biological Replicates x 3 technical replicates = 240 technical replicates

Location of data

Data Subject Type Data File Type Path Notes
raw read files /media/disk6/ARF/RNASEQ/shared/rawreads/86kSalmon Raw files returned from GSL
raw tar ./EWtarfiles or ./LGEPtarfiles
raw fasta ./EWfasta or ./LGEPfasta
trimmed and filtered read files /media/disk6/ARF/RNASEQ/shared/trimmedfiltreads/86k Files post trim & adapater removal
EW ./EW/lane01 ... ./lane12
LGEP ./LGEP/lane01 ... ./lane18
salmon count files /media/disk6/ARF/RNASEQ/shared/counts/86kSalmon Direcotries containing quant.sf files
EW tech reps ./EW/lane01 ... ./lane12
LGEP tech reps ./LGEP/lane01 ... ./lane18
EW bio reps ./bio_EW/Sample_<animal_id>/
LGEP bio reps ./bio_LGEP/Sample_<animal_id>/
experimental data resources /media/disk6/ARF/RNASEQ/BV-Prediction/Breeding-Value-Prediction/disk6directory/resources Experiment information
sequencing ./exptdesign/sequencing ./EWtarfiles or ./LGEPtarfiles
pedigree ./pedigree ./EWfasta or ./LGEPfasta
phenotypes ./phenos ./EWfasta or ./LGEPfasta


Step 1 - Data Prep

Data prep includes everything from unpacking the original tar files recieved by the GSL up to estimating transcript
abundance with Salmon. Additionally, this step includes identification of the indicies used within both batches and creates an experimental info matrix containing all meta data from both batches.

See the raw reads README for step by step processing of files.

Extra prep scripts: sample index identification & creation of experimental data

Step 2 - Load Count Data

Once counts have been estimated, the next step involves reading in the aligned technical, or biological, replicate counts using the tximport package.

Additionally, the phenotype and other sample meta-data is constructed for normalization.

To see this process for biological reps, navigate to:

load counts bio rep html file which contains the complete markdown and output.

Origin information was added to the biological replicate matrix Script

To see this process for technical reps, navigate to:

load counts tech rep html file which contains the complete markdown and output.