This repository contains code to train and analyse speaker landscapes, which are spatial representations of agents such that the distance between two agents represents their similarity in speech according to a data corpus.
Install all packages from the requirements.txt
file into a fresh python environment and activate the environment, so that the notebooks have access to the packages.
Save your raw data as a json lines file (.jl) in the main folder where the notebooks are located. The file has to be named raw_data.jl
and has the following structure:
{"author": "<name_speaker1>", "text": "<quote1>"}
{"author": "<name_speaker2>", "text": "<quote2>"}
Each line represents one text quote by an author. Authors with multiple quotes in the text corpus will appear in multiple lines.
Each line contains a python dictionary whith (at least) two string keys, "author"
and "text"
. The expressions in the brakets <> contain the specific data you are providing.
Open the clean_data.ipynb
notebook and run all cells in consecutive order.
The main folder now contains a new file called clean_data.txt
, which is a simple text file of the form
agent_<name_speaker1> <cleaned_quote1>
agent_<name_speaker2> <cleaned_quote2>
The quote text is cleaned as follows:
- use lower casing,
- remove punctuation except # and @,
- form expressions of up to 4-grams when words are used in the same order more than 70 times,
Open the train_embedding.ipynb
notebook and run all cells in consecutive order.
The main folder now contains a new file called word_embedding.emb
. This stores the embedding (i.e. a mapping from word to vectors)
in gensim's KeyedVector format.
Note: Since we use multiple workers for training, each training may result in a slightly different embedding, even thought the random seeds in the notebook are fixed.
The speaker landscape consists of all word-vector pairs in the trained embedding that are prepended by "agent_"
. These words are the speaker tokens, while the vectors are their coordinates in a 250 dimensional space. To visualise the landscape, one can reduce the 250 to 2 dimensions.
Open the extract_landscape.ipynb
notebook and run all cells in consecutive order.
This creates a new file landscape_info.pkl
which stores a pandas DataFrame with the author, their quotes, vector representation and reduced vector representation.
Another file, annotations_info.pkl
contains the word, vector, and reduced vector representation of desired annotation words, which are selected from the embeddings vocabulary.
The analyse_landscape.ipynb
notebook shows techniques used in the main paper to analyse and visualise the landscape, including:
- Plotting an annotated landscape
- Finding tweets posted by speakers located in a certain region
- Projecting to list of anger words
- Counting the tweet length
- Counting emojis