
Coffee Shop Finder App API

Primary LanguageRuby

Coffea Backend API

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. User Model
  1. Reviews Model
  1. Establishments Model


All access is over HTTPS and access is from the [https://pacific-atoll-5255.herokuapp.com] (https://pacific-atoll-5255.herokuapp.com) domain. All data is sent and received as JSON.

###Access Token

Every request assumes an access token unless stated otherwise. The access token must be provided in the header.

To do this make sure you set 'Access-Token' equal to the user's access token in every required request. An example of how this should look is as follows:

['Access-Token'] = 'f16395873f4bcee7ef5d46e531b9f659'


If a user is unauthorized to make a request, the following json response will be given:

Response Status Code: 401

{"message": "Access-Token not found."}

##Users Model ###Users Sign Up

  • Path: POST '/users/signup'
  • Access-Token: Not required.
  • Params:
    • email: a string
    • password: a string
    • user name: a string
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 201 if successful, 422 if unsuccessful
    • Example success:
      { "user":{
    • Example Failure: {"errors":["Email has already been taken"]}

###Users Login

  • Path: POST '/users/login'
  • Access-Token: Not required.
  • Params:
    • password: a string
    • user name: a string
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 201 if successful
    • Example success:
    { "user": {
      "id": 3,
      "username": "whitney_hoggs",
      "email": "whitney1@gmail.com",
      "access_token": "03c0b80efbe2b23a2c0764599ad60015"


###Show Specific User
* Path: `GET '/user/:id'`
* Params:
* user id: an integer
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

{ "user": { "id": 3, "username": "whitney_hoggs", "email": "whitney1@gmail.com" } }

###Users Index
* Path: `GET '/users'` 
* Params:
* none
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

[ { "id": 1, "username": "tony", "email": "anthony@yahoo.com" }, { "id": 2, "username": "Beakbeak", "email": "beakbeak@gmail.com" }, { "id": 8, "username": "afranco", "email": "anthony_franco@gmail.com" } ]

###Delete Individual User
* Path: `DELETE '/user/delete/:username'`
* Params:
* None
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

User has been deleted

###Update Individual User
* Path: `PATCH '/user/update/:username'`
* Params: Make sure all params are entered even if to update only one param
* email: a string
* password: a string
* user name: a string
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

{"user": {"id":8, "username":"afranco", "email":"anthony_franco7@gmail.com"}}

##Reviews Model
###Create New Review
* Path: `POST '/reviews/new'`
* Params:
* content: a string
* user_id: an integer
* establishment_id: an integer
* flagged: a boolean
* image_url: a string 
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful, 422 if unsuccessful
* Example success:
{"id": 1,
"content":"This is a test review",

###Show Specific Review
* Path: `GET '/review/:id'`
* Params:
* review id: an integer
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

{"review": {"content":"This is a test review", "user_id":1, "establishment_id":1, "flagged":false, "image_url":""}}

###Reviews Index
* Path: `GET '/reviews/all'`
* Params:
* none
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

[ { "id": 1, "content": "This is a test review", "user_id": 2 "establishment_id": 1 "flagged": false "image_url": "" }, { "id": 2, "content": "The coffee at this place is BEYOND amazing", "user_id": 3 "establishment_id": 2 "flagged": true "image_url": "http://www.hercampus.com/sites/default/files/2014/12/11/hc%20coffee%20shop_1.jpg" }, { "id": 3, "content": "The wifi here was really fast", "user_id": 5 "establishment_id": 1 "flagged": false "image_url": "" } ]

###Delete Individual Review
* Path: `DELETE '/review/:id'`
* Params:
* None
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

Review has been deleted

###Update Individual Review
* Path: `PATCH '/review/:id'`
* Params: Make sure all params are entered even if to update only one param
* content: a string
* image_url: a string
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

{"review": {"content":"This is an updated test review", "user_id":1, "establishment_id":1, "flagged":false, "image_url":""}}

###Flag Individual Review
* Path: `PATCH '/review/flag/:id'`
* Params: Make sure all params are entered even if to update only one param
* flagged: a boolean
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

{"review": {"id":65, "content":"This is an updated test review", "user_id":1, "flagged":true}}

###Search Reviews
* Path: `GET '/reviews/search'`
* Params: 
* keyword: a string
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

{ "id": 1, "content": "This is a test review", "user_id": 1, "created_at": "2015-07-09T18:44:07.348Z", "updated_at": "2015-07-09T18:44:07.348Z", "establishment_id": 1, "flagged": false, "image_url": "" } ]

###Available Reviews Index
* Path: `GET '/reviews/available'`
* Params:
* none
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

[ { "id": 1, "content": "This is a test review", "user_id": 2 "establishment_id": 1 "flagged": false "image_url": "" }, { "id": 3, "content": "The wifi here was really fast", "user_id": 5 "establishment_id": 1 "flagged": false "image_url": "" } ]

##Establishments Model
###Create New Establishment
* Path: `POST '/establishments/new'`
* Params:
* name: a string
* street_address: a string
* city: a string 
* state: a string
* zip_code: an integer
* coffee_quality: an integer
* price: an integer
* ambiance: an integer
* wifi: an integer
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful, 422 if unsuccessful
* Example success:
"name":"Joe's Coffee Shop",
"street_address":"115 MLK Drive",

###Show Specific Establishment
* Path: `GET '/establishment/:id'`
* Params:
* establishment id: an integer
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:
{"name":"Joe's Coffee Shop",
"street_address":"115 MLK Drive",

###Establishments Index
* Path: `GET '/establishments'`
* Params:
* none
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

[ { "id": 1, "name":"Joe's Coffee Shop", "street_address":"115 MLK Drive", "city":"Atlanta", "state":"Georgia", "zip_code":30303, "coffee_quality":2, "price":1, "ambiance":3, "wifi":2 }, { "id": 2, "name":"Coffee Beans", "street_address":"143 Pomona Ave", "city":"Marietta", "state":"Georgia", "zip_code":30303, "coffee_quality":1, "price":1, "ambiance":3, "wifi":3 }, { "id": 3, "name":"Buenos Dias Coffee Shop", "street_address":"5600 North Dr", "city":"Atlanta", "state":"Georgia", "zip_code":30303, "coffee_quality":3, "price":3, "ambiance":2, "wifi":3 } ]

###Update Individual Establishment
* Path: `PATCH '/establishment/:id'`
* Params: Make sure all params are entered even if to update only one param
* name: a string
* street_address: a string
* city: a string 
* state: a string
* zip_code: an integer
* coffee_quality: an integer
* price: an integer
* ambiance: an integer
* wifi: an integer
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:
{"name":"Joe's Coffee Shop",
"street_address":"115 MLK Drive",

###Search Establishments

* Path: `GET '/establishments/search'`
* Params: 
* coffee_quality: an integer
* price: an integer
* ambiance: an integer
* wifi: an integer
* Response:
* Status Code: 201 if successful
* Example success:

{ "id": 1, "name": "Joe's Coffee", "street_address": "15 Main St", "city": "Atlanta", "state": "GA", "zip_code": 30303, "coffee_quality": 2, "ambiance": 3, "created_at": "2015-07-15T17:32:29.265Z", "updated_at": "2015-07-15T17:32:29.265Z", "price": 3, "wifi": 2 }, { "id": 4, "name": "Whitney's Coffee", "street_address": "150 Main St", "city": "Atlanta", "state": "GA", "zip_code": 30304, "coffee_quality": 3, "ambiance": 2, "created_at": "2015-07-15T21:26:38.197Z", "updated_at": "2015-07-15T21:26:38.197Z", "price": 2, "wifi": 1 } ]