What is it?

Test project contain PHP Framework Symfony 2 (2.8). [folder: www/stest]


**Vagrant Way (Long time):

  1. Clone this repo in your computer
  2. Enter to dir test-symfony-vagrant
  3. Execute command vagrant up
  4. After install, exec command vagrant ssh
  5. Change dirrectory cd /var/www/stest
  6. Exec command composer update
  7. Write to your host file: stest.local

**Symfony way:

  1. Clone this repo in your computer
  2. Use power this Guide

p.s. SQL Dump it's here -> /sql/stest.sql


Project contains 3 routes:

  • / {default route}
  • /listview {route for show Goods list in order 2,3,1}
  • /tableview {route for show table of Goods with column Photos}