
A steganography set of tools that embeds a file into the LSB's of another.

Primary LanguageC


   Is a steganography set of tools that embeds a file into the LSB's of another.


   hide                    :  Embeds a file into another regardless of the format.
   recover                 :  Recovers data embedded within a file regardless of 
   png_extractor           :  Extracts raw pixels and other useful information 
                              from PNG images.
   png_restorer            :  Creates a PNG image using raw pixels and a reference image. 
   hide_into_image.sh      :  Example script using the tools to embed information
                              into a PNG file.
   recover_data_from_image :  Example script using the tools to recover
                              information embedded into a PNG file.


hide                             <file to hide> <file where to hide> 
                                 <resulting output file>
recover                          <file_where_information_is_hidden> <information_length> 
                                 <resulting output file>
png_restorer                     <reference PNG> <raw file> <output file>
png_extractor                    <PNG file>
sbin/hide_into_image.sh          <data to hide> <image to use> <output image>
sbin/recover_data_from_image.sh  <image where data is hidden> <size of the hidden data> 
                                 <output file>


   Embed data from stdin:

   steganography $echo "Secret" | sh sbin/hide_into_image.sh - images/black.png
   Decompressing png...
   Image Info:
   Width :100
   Height :100
   Bit depth:8
   Channels :1
   Creating info file
   Creating end file
   Creating raw file
   Releasing memory
   Hiding the information...
   Input file size = 7
   Hideout file size = 10000
   Terminating normally.

   Recover data to stdout:

   steganography $sh sbin/recover_data_from_image.sh lab/rig.png 7 
   Using Stdout
   Decompressing png...
   Image Info:
   Width :100
   Height :100
   Bit depth:8
   Channels :1
   Creating info file
   Creating end file
   Creating raw file
   Releasing memory
   Recovering The Data...
   Secret               <<--- THIS IS THE RECOVERED DATA
   Terminating normally.