
Millimeter Wave Data Capture Scripts

Primary LanguagePython

Millimeter Wave Data Capture Scripts

Directory Structure

└── data_collection_pipeline
    └── configuration.py
    └── dataCaptureScript.lua
    └── data_capture.py
    └── pcd_generation.py
    └── steaming.py


1. Real-time mmWave Data Capturing

To enable real-time data capturing, the first step is to start the radar in Windows OS. The softwave used in the work is mmWave Studio Just copy dataCaptureScript.lua script to C:\\ti\\mmwave_studio_02_01_00_00\\mmWaveStudio\\Scripts directory and load the lua script and click the Run! button on the left bottom corner of the softwave as show in the image. mmWave Studio Then the radar will keep sending the chirps and steaming the data through networking cables.

The methods provided in steaming.py will automatically collect the packets from the radar and assemble them into frames. It also allows you to access these frames using getFrame method. As an example, if you want to capture the data from the mmWave radar for 5 mins and store them, just run:

python data_capture.py 5

2. Point Cloud Generation from Binary mmWave Data

The methods in pcd_generation.py allows you to generate the point cloud from the binary mmWave radar. This method also computes range-FFT and doppler-FFT parameters in the intermediate steps. Suppose you want to generate the point cloud data from test.bin for 10 frames, try:

python pcd_generation.py test.bin 10

Note: to successfully read the data from the binary file, you should change the radar configuration to generate the binary file without the packet head.