
Rails backend for a scraper that outputs World Cup data as JSON

Primary LanguageRuby


This should now be working for the World Cup in 2018!
Should have all events and goals and match stats streaming live, please file an issue or hit me up on twitter @mutualarisisg if anything has gone awry.

(HTTPS working for default domain now :yay:)

Special thanks to my employer Software For Good for encouraging me to make this as a new programmer 4 years ago and then encourage me to update it for this year (and hosting it!) Encourage your employee's side projects - they learn things!


  • Figure out how to parse penalties this Cup (hard without penalties)
  • Parse datetime info for knockout matches successfully
  • More automatic scraper restarts on failures or memory errors

Updates June 19, 2018

  • New rate limit -- some of you are really hammering the server. You can now make 10 requests every 60 seconds, requests after that will return 429 with your reset time. Please try to limit polling to once every minute or so and if you are building a SPA please do some cacheing/storing on your side and don't send a request with every user interaction. If you need a whitelist for more requests, please let me know and we can do it, but right now fully half of the requests get throttled and it's a fair amount of load to deal with that many requests coming in more often than 10s apart.

  • Better cacheing/fixed broken JSONP cacheing

  • Scrapers almost finished being reworked

  • New param added to the matches endpoint. You can pass ?start_date=2018-06-21 or ?start_date=2018-06-19&end_date=2018-06-24

    (If you pass one date, you'll get matches for that day, otherwise for the range of days specified. Please use YYYY-MM-DD format even though it is weird for the rest of the world not to use YYYY-DD-MM)

Updates June 18, 2018

  • We now retrieve match statistics as well (attempts on goal, saves, etc). This will show up at all the matches endpoints. If you want a more truncated view of a match (no events or stats) please pass ?details=false to any match endpoint

  • You can now retrieve a match by fifa_id if you only want one specific match, just use /matches/fifa_id/300331499 or as a shortcut just /matches/300331499. You'll get a 404 error back if no match has that id.

  • Scrapers are being refactored to actually have readable methods, memoize parsed information, etc. Views not calculating anything should increase response time considerably, which is good as we are now at about 30-40 rps.


Main response endpoint: https://worldcup.sfg.io/matches/today


Note: FIFA is now using much more JS that they were 4 years ago to hide and show information. I'll try to make sure as the tournament goes on that things like penalties are showing up correctly. As always, this runs on a scraper. Changes to HTML structure or banning the IP address it is scraping from could break it at any time. PRs welcome.


This is a simple backend for a scraper that grabs current world cup results and outputs them as JSON. UPDATE 8 Jun 2015 - This is now working for the Women's World Cup. UPDATE 14 June 2018 - Updated for the World Cup in 2018 with 7 hours to spare!


  • Clone the repo

  • rake db:setup setup:generate_teams to initialize the database and generate the teams

  • Run the following two tasks as cron jobs, to pull in data with whatever time frame you want (every 5 minutes for example)

    rake fifa:get_all_matches (This pulls in all matches and updates any that need updating with current score)

    rake fifa:get_events (This scans for events - goals, substitutions, and cards, and updates the match data accordingly)


[url]/teams/ for a list of teams with group ID and FIFA code

[url]/matches/ for all matches (Example JSON object at the bottom of this README)

[url]/teams/results results for each team (wins, losses, points, goals_for, goals_away, games_played)

[url]/teams/group_results results for each group, teams ordered by current groups standings (more or less, not all head to head logic is programmed in as tiebreakers) - can also pass in ?group_id=B to limit to a specific group.



You can also retrieve the matches for any team if you know their FIFA code (get fifa code from teams endpoint) by passing it in as a param.

Example: [url]/matches/country?fifa_code=ISL

Other Params

  • You can append a start date or a start date and and end date to get the matches for those dates. Example /matches?start_date=2018-06-19&end_date=2018-06-21 Please use YYYY-MM-DD as your param. end_date is optional.

  • You can append ?callback=foo to get a JSONP response

    Example: https://worldcup.sfg.io/matches/today?callback=bar

  • You can append ?by_date=desc to any query to sort the matches by furthest in the future to furthest in the past. ?by_date=asc does past to future. (ASC is default sort with no params)


You can also use the by param to get some other sortings of the match list.

  • total_goals will sort matches with the largest number of total goals to the least

  • home_team_goals will sort matches with the largest number of home team goals to the least

  • away_team_goals will sort matches with the largest number of away team goals to the least

  • closest_scores will sort matches with draws first to largest winning margin



The API also supports JSONP style output via the callback parameter, e.g. [url]/teams/results?callback=processData responds with

				"id": 1,
				"country": "Brazil",
				"alternate_name": null,
				"fifa_code": "BRA",

The response includes the same data output as the regular GET call without parameters, but wrapped inside a function. This can be used to get around cross origin issues.



  "venue": "Saransk",
  "location": "Mordovia Arena",
  "status": "completed",
  "time": "full-time",
  "fifa_id": "300331550",
  "datetime": "2018-06-19T12:00:00Z",
  "last_event_update_at": "2018-06-19T13:54:02Z",
  "last_score_update_at": "2018-06-19T13:52:45Z",
  "home_team": {
    "country": "Colombia",
    "code": "COL",
    "goals": 1
  "away_team": {
    "country": "Japan",
    "code": "JPN",
    "goals": 2
  "winner": "Japan",
  "winner_code": "JPN",
  "home_team_statistics": {
    "attempts_on_goal": 8,
    "on_target": 3,
    "off_target": 1,
    "blocked": 4,
    "woodwork": 0,
    "corners": 3,
    "offsides": 2,
    "ball_possession": 42,
    "pass_accuracy": 78,
    "num_passes": 363,
    "passes_completed": 284,
    "distance_covered": 93,
    "balls_recovered": 37,
    "tackles": 17,
    "clearances": 20,
    "yellow_cards": 2,
    "red_cards": 1,
    "fouls_committed": 15,
    "country": "Colombia"
  "away_team_statistics": {
    "attempts_on_goal": 14,
    "on_target": 6,
    "off_target": 5,
    "blocked": 3,
    "woodwork": 0,
    "corners": 6,
    "offsides": 1,
    "ball_possession": 58,
    "pass_accuracy": 84,
    "num_passes": 546,
    "passes_completed": 458,
    "distance_covered": 101,
    "balls_recovered": 40,
    "tackles": 15,
    "clearances": 24,
    "yellow_cards": 1,
    "red_cards": 0,
    "fouls_committed": 9,
    "country": "Japan"
  "home_team_events": [
      "id": 203,
      "type_of_event": "red-card",
      "player": "Carlos SANCHEZ",
      "time": "3'"
      "id": 206,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-in",
      "player": "Wilmar BARRIOS",
      "time": "31'"
      "id": 205,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-out",
      "player": "Juan CUADRADO",
      "time": "31'"
      "id": 207,
      "type_of_event": "goal",
      "player": "Juan QUINTERO",
      "time": "39'"
      "id": 209,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-in",
      "player": "James RODRIGUEZ",
      "time": "59'"
      "id": 208,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-out",
      "player": "Juan QUINTERO",
      "time": "59'"
      "id": 210,
      "type_of_event": "yellow-card",
      "player": "Wilmar BARRIOS",
      "time": "64'"
      "id": 212,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-in",
      "player": "Carlos BACCA",
      "time": "70'"
      "id": 211,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-out",
      "player": "Jose IZQUIERDO",
      "time": "70'"
      "id": 220,
      "type_of_event": "yellow-card",
      "player": "James RODRIGUEZ",
      "time": "86'"
  "away_team_events": [
      "id": 204,
      "type_of_event": "goal-penalty",
      "player": "Shinji KAGAWA",
      "time": "6'"
      "id": 214,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-in",
      "player": "Keisuke HONDA",
      "time": "70'"
      "id": 213,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-out",
      "player": "Shinji KAGAWA",
      "time": "70'"
      "id": 215,
      "type_of_event": "goal",
      "player": "Yuya OSAKO",
      "time": "73'"
      "id": 217,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-in",
      "player": "Hotaru YAMAGUCHI",
      "time": "80'"
      "id": 216,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-out",
      "player": "Gaku SHIBASAKI",
      "time": "80'"
      "id": 219,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-in",
      "player": "Shinji OKAZAKI",
      "time": "85'"
      "id": 218,
      "type_of_event": "substitution-out",
      "player": "Yuya OSAKO",
      "time": "85'"
      "id": 221,
      "type_of_event": "yellow-card",
      "player": "Eiji KAWASHIMA",
      "time": "90'+4'"


    "group": {
      "id": 1,
      "letter": "A",
      "teams": [
          "team": {
            "id": 1,
            "country": "Russia",
            "fifa_code": "RUS",
            "points": 6,
            "wins": 2,
            "draws": 0,
            "losses": 0,
            "games_played": 2,
            "goals_for": 8,
            "goals_against": 1,
            "goal_differential": 7
          "team": {
            "id": 4,
            "country": "Uruguay",
            "fifa_code": "URU",
            "points": 3,
            "wins": 1,
            "draws": 0,
            "losses": 0,
            "games_played": 1,
            "goals_for": 1,
            "goals_against": 0,
            "goal_differential": 1
          "team": {
            "id": 3,
            "country": "Egypt",
            "fifa_code": "EGY",
            "points": 0,
            "wins": 0,
            "draws": 0,
            "losses": 2,
            "games_played": 2,
            "goals_for": 1,
            "goals_against": 4,
            "goal_differential": -3
          "team": {
            "id": 2,
            "country": "Saudi Arabia",
            "fifa_code": "KSA",
            "points": 0,
            "wins": 0,
            "draws": 0,
            "losses": 1,
            "games_played": 1,
            "goals_for": 0,
            "goals_against": 5,
            "goal_differential": -5

TRY IT OUT (We'll keep this up through the duration of the World Cup)







(Feel free to submit a PR with your project!)



You can read a blog post about building the API here: http://softwareforgood.com/soccer-good/


Some people have asked if they can make donations. I'd love for you to donate some time writing code or docs or tests, but this is shared totally gratis. If you're interested in throwing some cash someone's way, why not help out organizations working with families separated at the border of the US? At this time of coming together as a human community, let's remember that arbitrary lines on a map still have the power to hurt people. (https://secure.actblue.com/donate/kidsattheborder)


Most of this was written in a rush 4 years ago, and the rest was written in a rush on day 1 of the World Cup in 2018 to adjust for the new FIFA CMS and live updates via JS. This is not good object oriented code. Scraping is inherently a messy and brittle procedural process. I may try to refactor, but my primary goal was the get something functional. Please do not use as an example of good Rails code!