
Generic flowcore.io adapter that pushes data to an endpoint and returns the result

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Generic push adapter for flowcore.io

This is a generic push adapter for the flowcore.io platform. It is used to push data from a datacore to a webhook.

📝 Quick start

Setup a scenario using this typescript adapter.


Set the appropriate environment variables:

  • WEBHOOK_URL: The URL of the webhook. This is where the transformed data will be sent.
  • AUTH_TYPE: The type of authentication used.
  • AUTH_USERNAME: The username used for authentication.
  • AUTH_PASSWORD: The password used for authentication.
  • AUTH_API_KEY: The API key used for authentication.
  • AUTH_HEADER: The static Authorization header used for authentication.
  • PUSH_NAME: The name of the push.
  • RESPONSE_RECIEPT_PATH: The path of the response receipt.
  • AUTH_TOKEN_HOST: The host of the authentication token.
  • AUTH_TOKEN_PATH: The path of the authentication token.

The AUTH_TYPE environment variable in your project can have three possible values:

  • "basic": This value indicates that Basic Authentication should be used. In this case, the AUTH_USERNAME and AUTH_PASSWORD environment variables are used to generate the Authorization header.

  • "static-auth-header": This value indicates that a static Authorization header should be used. In this case, the AUTH_HEADER environment variable is used as the Authorization header.

  • "oauth2": This value indicates that OAuth 2.0 authentication should be used. In this case, the AUTH_USERNAME, AUTH_PASSWORD, AUTH_TOKEN_HOST, and AUTH_TOKEN_PATH environment variables are used to obtain an access token from the OAuth 2.0 server. The obtained access token is then used in the Authorization header for the webhook request.

Return value

The webhookResponse is an object of type WebhookResponse. This object is constructed after a webhook request is made and it contains the following properties:

  • status (Number): The HTTP status code of the webhook response.
  • statusText (String): The HTTP status text of the webhook response.
  • timestamp (String, optional): The timestamp when the webhook response was created. It is in ISO string format.
  • source_eventId (String, optional): The source event ID. This is the eventId from the input to the transform function.
  • pushName (String, optional): The name of the push, retrieved from the PUSH_NAME environment variable.
  • eventType (String): The type of the event. This is the eventType from the input to the transform function.
  • aggregator (String): The aggregator. This is the aggregator from the input to the transform function.
  • response_time (Number, optional): The time taken for the webhook request to complete. It is calculated as the difference between the time when the request was made and the time when the response was received.
  • response (any, optional): The response from the webhook request. If the RESPONSE_RECIEPT_PATH environment variable is set, this will be the value at that path in the response data. If RESPONSE_RECIEPT_PATH is not set, this will be null.

Here is the TypeScript interface for WebhookResponse:

interface WebhookResponse {
  status: number;
  statusText: string;
  timestamp?: string;
  source_eventId?: string;
  pushName?: string;
  eventType: string;
  aggregator: string;
  response_time?: number;
  response?: any;


  "status": 200,
  "statusText": "OK",
  "source_eventId": "2bd45910-dad5-11ee-a964-b3d69862b2aa",
  "timestamp": "2024-03-05T11:55:14.502Z",
  "pushName": "iotplatform",
  "eventType": "test.0",
  "aggregator": "reefer-iot-archive",
  "response_time": 213,
  "response": "e981c356-a268-4482-82e6-313d3f094f9e"

In case of an error during the execution an object with a status of 500 and a status text of "Internal Server Error". The source_eventId, timestamp, and pushName fields are also included in the error response.

Error Example

  "status": 500,
  "statusText": "Internal Server Error",
  "source_eventId": "event-id",
  "timestamp": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "pushName": "push-name"

📦 Development

See the template repository for more information on how to develop this adapter.