This library is the standard Application Programming Interface for dealing with client diagnosis data
Return the top Client Diagnosis Record Layer
Return the bottom most unbatched Client Diagnosis Record Layer. Once a batched Record Layer is found this function assums that all lower layers are also batched.
Sorts the general ICD 10 global list of Diagnosis codes into descrete lists corresponding to the axis 1 - 3 of DSM 4
Return the top Client Diagnosis Record Layer Axis 4 parts
Return the top Client Diagnosis Record Layer GAF and ABL parts
Not Implemented
Return the top Client Diagnosis Record Layer IQ and SQ parts
Returns Y|N if there is a new ICD 10 Client Diagnosis Record
Returns the CARE Batch formatted string of the bottom most unbatched Client Diagnosis Record Layer
Update a record with the batchdate
Returns the billing diagnosis based on the service type and version requested
Sets the sql connection pieces
UI Function to look up and select diagnosis codes by term search
Look up the ICD Code Description from the sql table unique id
Look up all the columns of the ICD 9 GEM Table with a unique id.
Look up the ICD 9 Code Description from the ICD 10 GEM Table with table's unique id.
Return the list of Unique IDs for ICD 9 GEM Table baded on the term search
Look up all the columns of the ICD 10 GEM Table with a unique id.
Return the GAF score of the top Client Diagnosis Record Layer
Return the ICD Code based on the legacy (DSM 4) Axis meaning 'no diagnosis'
Return Y|N if the Unique ID of an ICD 10 Code is lapsed as of a date
Return the ICD 10 or 9 Description from the ICD 10 or 9 flat file.
note requires node js to be installed
$ cp config.example.json config.ignore.json
edit config.ignore with your system settings. Required settings:
- sysname
- webname
- host
- name
- user
- cronname
- cron
$ npm install
$ node deploy
- Copy the following files into $sysname/SCRIPT/S directory
- CONVICD10_9.usc
- inc_DX10.usc
- lib_DX10.usc
- Use CMHC Uscript interface to compile the following scripts
- CONVICD10_9.usc
- lib_DX10.usc
icd9_gaf_dst DST_NAME ex.) icd9_gaf_dst c.dxaxvc