- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#11 opened by renovate - 0
Istio / Gateway API
#230 opened by haoxins - 1
oidc auth - only supports dex
#265 opened by haoxins - 0
oAuth2-proxy manifests v5
#156 opened by haoxins - 0
#225 opened by haoxins - 0
Tracing - Uses Grafana Tempo
#205 opened by haoxins - 2
Remove oAuth2-proxy, use Envoy oAuth2 filter
#160 opened by haoxins - 1
sealed-secrets v2 chart
#232 opened by haoxins - 0
Refactor the KServe manifests
#197 opened by haoxins - 0
- 0
- 0
Katib: Use release branch instead of tag
#199 opened by haoxins - 0
Tag the Istio operator
#150 opened by haoxins - 1
Update the readme documents
#146 opened by haoxins - 1
- 3
Is this repo ready to give it a try?
#46 opened by haoxins