
lightweight dependency injection library for Java

Primary LanguageJava


##Lightweight dependency injection library for Java

Blackcat was developed while working on the game Biodrone Battle. Requirements were as follows:

  • no external dependencies
  • no component scanning
  • no code generation, no byte code modification, no configuration files
  • no black magic, simple to use and fast

It can do two things:

  • annotation based field injections
  • invoke post construction callbacks

To get the gist of this library, check out the unit tests.

Simple example for building a band consisting of guitar and bass:

public class Band {
	private Guitar guitar;

	private Bass bass;

	public Band() {

public class Guitar {
	public Guitar() {

public class Bass {
	public Bass() {
Injector injector = Injector.getInjector();

// declare DI components
injector.addComponent(Band.class, Band::new);
injector.addComponent(Guitar.class, Guitar::new);
injector.addComponent(Bass.class, Guitar::new);

// get the band together
Band band = injector.getComponent(Band.class);