
Discord Chatbot that for playing various casino games with fake currency

Primary LanguagePython

Gamble Bot

by Jason Hsu - v0.1.0

Gamble Bot is a discord bot for gambling games in text channels, written in python with the discord.py library.

This bot started because the other bots didn't have accurate blackjack games. Also all my friends have gambling problems and this is better for them than going to the casino.

Current Commands

- .bal - shows balance
- .blackjack \[bet\] - plays blackjack with a bet
- .coinflip \[bet\] - bets on a coinflip
- .pay \[user\] \[amount\] - gives another user some money

Planned Features

- Persistence
- Other Inter-User interactions
- Multiplayer Blackjack
- Prettier printouts
- Custom emoji
- Other games