
Clinical Data Subscriptions: Develop FHIR Subscriptions resource to push updates of medical record information to authorized recipients to support the event notification use cases.

Argonaut Subscriptions


  • 2019: Jan - April
    • Project selection (selected as a proejct in 2019)
  • 2019: April - May
    • Project launch!
    • Develop use cases (cast a wide net)
    • Review work on Subscriptions to-date
    • Define scope (and out-of-scope)
    • Client outreach
    • Birds of feather at HL7 May Working Group Meeting
  • 2019: June - Aug
    • Draft spec (Argonaut Encounters IG)
    • Publicly deployed reference implementation(s) that meet the draft spec
  • 2019: Sep - Dec
  • 2020: Jan - Feb
    • Project selection (not a selected project in 2020)
    • CMS Connectathon 1 - January
    • Connectathon 23 - February
    • Publish Argonaut Encounters IG 1.0
    • Begin work on Backport to R4 IG 1.0
    • Attempt to finalize for ballot
  • 2020: Feb - Dec
  • 2021: Jan - Feb
  • 2021: March - April
    • Project launch: Project Home!
    • Define scope of project for 2021
    • Lobby to add SubscriptionTopic and SubscriptionStatus to R4B (successful)
    • Connectathon 27 - May
    • Resolve/apply Backport IG ballot feedback
    • Add event triggers
    • Add notification shapes (notifications can include related resources)
    • Continue focused work on Backport IG in lead up to publication
    • Connectathon 28 - September
  • 2022


Specifications and Prior work

Use Cases

  • Clinical information has changed
  • Scheduling: ( e.g., Argonuat Scheduling Prefetch ) Update provider availability to 3rd parties
  • Provider Directory: Updates to Directory when provider information has changed (such as credentials or qualifications).


Open Questions




Home for controlled versions of documents related to Argonaut Subscriptions

Notes on Workflows:

  • Intended for use with: SequenceDiagram.
  • Text files with workflow diagram contents.
  • SVG renders of the workflows.

Notes on Graphs:

  • Intended for use with: Mermaid.
  • Text files with graph contents.
  • SVG renders of the graphs.

Client Workflows

  • Workflows with client behaviors during Subscription notifications (event processing).

Error State Workflows

  • Workflows with various error states to show handling considerations.

Intermediary Workflows

  • Workflows with registration and event notification when an independent third party is included.

Missed Event Workflows

  • Workflows showing missed events.
  • More basic than Error State Workflows, but may handle similar situations.

Registration Workflows

  • Workflows showing the process of creating a Subscription.

Backporting Changes to R4

  • Proposal on how to backport the changes to Subscription slated for R5 to R4: Backport to R4