Kat Wallet Discord Bot


Ensure .env exists in the root folder as:

DISCORD_TOKEN=[token from discord]
RESOLVER_NODES=[array of resolver FQDN's as "https://...", "https://...", "https://..."]

Run it

Build and run it directly from the project's root folder:

npm run build
npm start

Bot Management

# Kat-Wallet-Bot Management Instructions

## Initial Setup

1. Install PM2 globally:
   npm install -g pm2
  1. Build and start the bot with PM2:

    npm run build
    pm2 start npm --name "Kat-Wallet-Bot" -- start
  2. Save the PM2 process list to keep the bot running after closing SSH:

    pm2 save

Updating the Bot

When you have new changes to deploy:

  1. Pull the latest changes from the main branch:

    git pull origin main
  2. Rebuild and restart the bot:

    npm run build
    pm2 restart Kat-Wallet-Bot

Useful PM2 Commands

  • View running processes: pm2 list
  • Monitor bot in real-time: pm2 monit
  • View bot logs: pm2 logs Kat-Wallet-Bot
  • Stop the bot: pm2 stop Kat-Wallet-Bot
  • Remove the bot from PM2: pm2 delete Kat-Wallet-Bot

Remember to run pm2 save after making changes to ensure the current process list is saved for automatic restarts.

## Kasplex API Documentation
