The ALCF hosts a regular simulation, data, and learning workshop to help users scale their applications. This repository contains the examples used in the workshop.
- abao1999
- ben-albrecht@Google
- BrookluoUniversity of Wyoming
- cszhbo
- DArora-Monk-777XSiemens
- deanrp2
- Deathn0tParis, France
- edgaredGeoOndas Ltda.
- erasmussNational Institute of Standards and Technology
- felkerArgonne National Laboratory
- jlnavArgonne National Laboratory
- lcarasikVirginia Commonwealth University
- lootieArgonne National Laboratory
- marcodeltuttoFermilab
- markhuyong
- maruti-iitm@PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- mdw771Argonne National Laboratory
- monkeystateArgonne National Laboratory
- msakarvadia
- nalinikSanta Clara, CA
- NathanPruyneNorthwestern University
- pnsinhaUniversity of Chicago
- Presciman
- RahulSundarBio-mimetics Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- ricardobarroslourenco@MacRemoteSensing
- saforem2@argonne-lcf
- Shady-AhmedPNNL
- Spartee@arcadeai
- surajp92Oklahoma State University
- syam-sIndian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
- thomasgillis@NVIDIA
- YiltanCanada
- YudongYaoArgonne National Laboratory
- yusx-swappIOWA, USA
- zhenghh04Argonne National Laboratory