- 0
InvalidSpec: The Rollout "canary-release" is invalid: spec.strategy.canary.canaryService: Invalid value: "canary": Service "canary" has unmatch label "" in rollout
#3947 opened by cam634 - 2
- 4
traffic is switched before replicaset is fully available when using `rollbackWindow`
#3941 opened by staffanselander - 0
v1.7.2 version has high priority CVEs
#3945 opened by vadasambar - 0
Correct the yaml of `Store Oauth access token in argo-rollouts-notification-secret secret` doc
#3942 opened by chansuke - 3
HPA scales up stable replicas when doing canary deployment with Argo Rollouts
#3849 opened by anup1384 - 0
Application status "Degraded" after down scaling
#3936 opened by greeddj - 0
Patch in the VirtualService is not working when there is only one named route
#3884 opened by jeanmorais - 4
Add option for set suffix in canary pod name
#3894 opened by oliveiraxavier - 3
Rollouts doesn't drop old replicaset/pods
#3836 opened by ajax-bychenok-y - 7
Argo Dashboard can't load any workload: api/v1/rollouts/argocd/info/watch problem
#3833 opened by adrien-barret - 1
argo-rollouts-dashboard installation display ' dial tcp connect: connection refused '
#3931 opened by HelonLee135 - 0
Dynamic Stable Scale scales down the stable ReplicaSet before verifying ALB TargetGroup weight
#3926 opened by mharmer-canva - 1
Default Canary/Stable ReplicaSet Labels to Improve AnalysisRun Accuracy and User Experience
#3802 opened by johnmwood - 0
UI - route path basing with nginx-ingress gives blank page - Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number
#3927 opened by tbernacchi - 1
Race condition when updating analysis template
#3864 opened by VibhuSrivastava - 0
Add s390x architecture support
#3920 opened by charlieboom - 1
- 0
"In tree" support for Kubernetes Gateway API
#3913 opened by ilrudie - 0
How do I trigger my greyscale release to continue when it's in a paused stage?
#3910 opened by HelonLee135 - 0
`lint` command should optionally validate existence of referenced resources
#3907 opened by crenshaw-dev - 0
session stickness doesn't work on ALB ip mode
#3904 opened by vl-kp - 1
Panic due to division by zero in CalculateDesiredWeightOnAbortOrStableRollback
#3814 opened by FredrikAugust - 0
Allow nodeselector on analysistemplate
#3895 opened by collishawlukas - 0
Add support for multiple formulas in DD metricprovider
#3891 opened by y-rabie - 0
- 0
Add config (path and method) for setHeaderRoute
#3879 opened by danielsantosdfs13 - 3
- 1
HPA with Rollout that targets a WorkloadRef does not report metrics causing HPA to scale to max.
#3825 opened by avo-sepp - 2
Argo rollouts manages virtualService field after a rollout is complete. Causes future changes to VS to not sync
#3854 opened by taer - 2
Rollouts cycle into degraded state during blue-green pause
#3843 opened by miles-w-3 - 0
after removing a Rollout the referenced deployment from "workloadRef" keeps the entry "replicas: 0" if "scaleDown" is used
#3855 opened by Sven1410 - 0
- 0
HPA scaling while in scale down delay window causes perpetual "progressing" state on rollout
#3848 opened by yohanb - 1
- 5
New Relic canary verification
#3771 opened by akorzy-pl - 0
- 0
Set rollout revision number in the replicaSet.spec.template.metadata annotations
#3800 opened by viv-ng - 2
Rollout can sometimes run indefinitely when new pods are in a crash loop
#3765 opened by andrii-korotkov-verkada - 1
- 3
- 2
1.7.2 bug fix release
#3785 opened by kevinji - 2
- 0
Race condition between Argo and AWS LB Controller causing rollouts to get stuck
#3779 opened by bguo-figma - 4
Aborting canary rollouts with ALB based traffic-routing causes toggling rollouts-pod-template-hash in preview service
#3758 opened by matbhe - 1
Canary support with argo rolllouts with kong traffic provider does not work seamlessly
#3763 opened by som-kanade-zepto - 1
- 0
- 0
Failed to compare desired state to live state
#3772 opened by atalakey4work - 0