
Wordpress plugin: menu-image

Primary LanguagePHP

Menu Image

Contributors: zviryatko
Tags: menu, image, field, hover, wpml
Donate link: http://makeyoulivebetter.org.ua/buy-beer
Requires at least: 4.4.0
Tested up to: 4.7
Stable tag: 2.8.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Adds a field to load the image in a menu item and displays the image inside the link in the menu before the text. Now WPML compliant.


Adds a field to load the image in a menu item and displays the image inside the link in the menu before the text. Now you can upload the second image and set to the mouse over/out effect. And also change position of title or hide title if need. And... load images via media uploader! Now WPML compliant!


  1. Upload menu-image to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to /wp-admin/nav-menus.php
  4. Edit exist menu item or add new menu item and just upload image than click Save Menu
  5. See your menu on site
  6. (WMPL users only) Goto WPML > WP Menus Sync and click to Sync

Frequently Asked Questions

How to add custom attributes to menu item link (useful for integration with dropdown menus)

Use core nav_menu_link_attributes and nav_menu_item_title filters.

How to wrap menu link text in span html element

Menu link text is already wrapped in span.menu-image-title.

How to add another size for the image?

To add a new size (or remove an old one) add a function to the menu_image_default_sizes filter. For example

add_filter( 'menu_image_default_sizes', function($sizes) {

  // remove the default 36x36 size

  // add a new size
  $sizes['menu-50x50'] = array(50,50);

  // return $sizes (required)
  return $sizes;


How to make hovered image visible on current page of menu item?

Add this link to style.css

.menu-item.current-menu-item > a.menu-image-hovered img.hovered-image {
  opacity: 1;

= If you have problem with srcset image problem on Wordpress version >= 4.4 and Azure hosting =

If you srcset property look like this: <img width="36" height="36" src="http://static.mywebsite.com/website/myaction_express_menu_icon-36x36.png" class="attachment-menu-36x36 size-menu-36x36" alt="myaction_express_menu_icon" srcset="http://www.mywebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/D:homesitewwwroot/wp-content/uploads/myaction_express_menu_icon-50x50.png 50w, http://www.mywebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/D:homesitewwwroot/wp-content/uploads/myaction_express_menu_icon-75x75.png 75w, http://www.mywebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/D:homesitewwwroot/wp-content/uploads/myaction_express_menu_icon-24x24.png 24w, http://www.mywebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/D:homesitewwwroot/wp-content/uploads/myaction_express_menu_icon-36x36.png 36w, http://www.mywebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/D:homesitewwwroot/wp-content/uploads/myaction_express_menu_icon-48x48.png 48w, http://www.mywebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/D:homesitewwwroot/wp-content/uploads/myaction_express_menu_icon.png 80w" sizes="(max-width: 36px) 100vw, 36px"> Then you can disable srcset (add it to your function.php):

 * Fix for broken images on azure & wordpress 4.4
 * @see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wordpress-adding-absolute-paths
add_filter( 'wp_calculate_image_srcset', '__return_false' );


1. Admin screen

Admin screen

2. Menu preview in standard twenty-thirteen theme

Menu preview in standard twenty-thirteen theme



  • Use core nav_menu_link_attributes, nav_menu_item_title filters to add image and class instead of walker_nav_menu_start_el filter.
  • Drop support of core version < 4.4.0.


  • Remove notification plugin. It was not a good idea btw.





  • Fix various php errors.


  • Add notification plugin.


  • Fixing a clearing bug for WordPress 4.5+. Thanx @kau-boy





  • Fix bug on attachment page.
  • Add french translation. Thanx @CreativeJuiz


  • Add above and below title. Thanx @alhoseany
  • Add original image size. Thanx @alhoseany
  • Fix the loss of choices on size and title when updating image by ajax. Thanx @alhoseany
  • Fix hidden title on responsive select menu.


  • Fix compatibility with some modules and themes to according to this topic
  • Fix Jetpack Phonon frontend bug



  • Added grunt-wp-readme-to-markdown npm package for converting readme to markdown for github users.



  • Added support of media uploader.
  • Fixed php strict warnings.
  • Added .ico image support, thanks to ivol84


  • Added ability to set title position, an example: before, after image or hide


  • Fix styles for hovered image


  • Added style file with vertical align of menu image item by default
  • Added ability to upload image that which will be replaced on hover
  • Added default image sizes for menu items: 24x24, 36x36 and 48x48

Upgrade Notice


Now you can set link title below and above image, thanx @alhoseany.


If your are using Jetpack Phonon module now menu icons will be look good.


If your are using WPML plugin, now when you sync menus, images will synced too.


WARNING! You need to re-select the images! Now, with media uploader support, it's easy peasy. Media uploader support. Upload once, use many times!


Now you can change title text position


Now you can upload image that replaced default on mouse hover