
A PHP blog solution. it's a bit like Jekyll but in PHP and better!!

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


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A PHP blog solution. A bit like Jekyll, but built in PHP and better!!

Table of contents

How it Works

Basically your site is (by default) in the ./_site folder (it can be changed in the ./config.php file). When someone request a page, Blogy will transform all the Tags by the real content. If someone ask a page like this : https://example.com/articles/2016/best-article, Blogy and Apache will generate the article without creating any folders, just by using databases.


To setup Blogy, you'll need to clone the master branch from GitHub to your server. After doing this, design your website in the _site folder.

File structure

├── blogy/_site/
|   ├── index.html
│   ├── article.html
│   └── error.html
└── _includes/
   ├── footer.html
   ├── header.html
   └── ...


Blogy is open source and available under the MIT license