
links to demo's and docs from our talk at Chrome Dev Summit 2019

Primary LanguageHTML

Missed it? Watch it here!


Building this repo:

Modern Javascript ›

Rollup to bundle, treeshake, import from NPM or URLs, and import CSS.

Modern CSS ›

PostCSS to import from NPM, postcss-preset-env for CSS features from the spec, and easings from easings.net for convenient use in animations.

Rad Development Server ›

Browsersync with all the goodies: live reload, cross device syncing, remote debugging, etc.

Getting Started

  1. mkdir new-project-name && cd $_
  2. git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/argyleink/shortstack.git . && rm -rf ./.git
  3. npm i
  4. npm start


Running npm start runs Browsersync, which watches changes to your files in ./app and refreshes connected browsers so that you can see the effects of your changes live.


Once you're ready to go live npm run build compiles and minifies your code in app and outputs the optimised result to a folder called dist that's ready to be shared on the web