
An Amazon EKS Worker Node AMI based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7

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Amazon EKS Node for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

This repository builds on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 AMI to add the Amazon EKS components. These components allow this node to be used by as a worker node in a self-managed or managed node group in an EKS cluster. As a design goal, this AMI functions the same way as the EKS optimized AMI.

Disclaimer: his is not an official AMI from AWS or Red Hat and is not officially supported. The AMI is based on the official Red Hat image available through the AWS Marketplace.


Similar to the EKS Optimized AMI, this AMI is built using the same tooling.

packer build \
  -var 'eks_version=1.18.8' \
  -var 'eks_build_date=2020-09-18' \
  -var 'vpc_id=vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
  -var 'subnet_id=subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
  -var 'volume_size=100' \
Parameter Default Supported Description
eks_version 1.18.8 Any major version supported by EKS The major Kubernetes version that aligns to your EKS cluster.
eks_build_date 2020-09-18 The build date of the EKS platform, used to pull in the latest binaries.
vpc_id vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The ID of the VPC to place the Packer builder.
subnet_id subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The ID of the Subnet to place the Packer builder.
volume_size 100 Any whole number in Gb The size of the secondary volume.
hardening false stig The hardening to apply to the instance.

To deploy an EKS cluster using these AMIs as part of a manage node group, use the follow eksctl cluster.yml file. You will need to replace the AMI ID, region, and cluster name in the metadata and bootstrap command with values to match your environment. This file also attaches the policy for SSM.

apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig

  name: rhel7
  region: us-east-2

    publicAccess: true
    privateAccess: true

      - "audit"
      - "authenticator"

  withOIDC: true


  - name: ng-1
    ami: ami-079099b4e0e9b1c38
    instanceType: m5.xlarge
    minSize: 3
    desiredCapacity: 3
    maxSize: 6
    privateNetworking: true
      role: worker
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM
      allow: true
      publicKeyPath: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
    overrideBootstrapCommand: |
      /etc/eks/bootstrap.sh rhel7 --kubelet-extra-args '--node-labels=eks.amazonaws.com/nodegroup=ng-1,eks.amazonaws.com/nodegroup-image=ami-079099b4e0e9b1c38'
      k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/enabled: "true"
      k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/rhel7: "true"


This image supports applying the DISA STIG via open-scap. The profile is applied with a tailoring file that skips FIPS 140-2. FIPS 140-2 is manually applied to workaround an issue that causes the instance not to boot. FIPS mode is enabled but the boot UUID is not supported. FIPS 140-2 is applied via the hardening.sh file.


The Amazon VPC CNI driver does not support SELinux. You will need to patch the aws-node daemon set to make the aws-node container privileged.

Disk Layout

The resulting images consists of two disks, a root disk and a secondary disk. The secondary disk is used to add the required partitions to meet CIS Benchmark requirements.

Disk Mount Point % of Secondary Volume Size Description
/dev/nvme0n1p1 / 20% This is the root disk used by the EKS optimized AMI.
/dev/nvme1n1p1 /var 20% A separate partition for /var as required by the CIS Benchmark.
/dev/nvme1n1p2 /var/log 20% A separate partition for /var/log as required by the CIS Benchmark.
/dev/nvme1n1p3 /var/log/audit 20% A separate partition for /var/log/audit as required by the CIS Benchmark.
/dev/nvme1n1p4 /home 10% A separate partition for /home as required by the CIS Benchmark.
/dev/nvme1n1p5 /var/lib/docker 30% A separate partition for /var/lib/docker as required by the CIS Benchmark.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.