
Examples for different configurations on Amazon EKS

Primary LanguageMakefile

Amazon EKS Examples

Disclaimer: This code is for demo purposes only and should not be treated as production ready.

This repository is a set of exmaples that I use to demonstrate and test the capabilities of EKS. The most up to date source of learning EKS is the eksworkshop.com. This workshop will contain information and starting places for configurations.


This repository uses a shared configuration for the eksctl, then combines the configurations using yq.

# install yq for merging yaml
brew install yq

# install eksctl
brew tap weaveworks/tap
brew install eksctl

# install kubernetes cli
brew install kubernetes-cli

Table of Contents

  • Baseline - This is the baseline configuration that is shared across all of the examples
  • AWS Fargate - A demo of running a serverless Kubernetes cluster AWS Fargate
  • AWS GovCloud (US) - An example of using eksctl to provision clusters in AWS GovCloud (US)
  • Pod Security Policy - An example of changing the EKS default Pod Security Policy for users.