
Small library for creating RPC service without any headache

Primary LanguageScala

Easy RPC

Build Status

Implementation of TCP RPC communication with binary serialization. Main goal of this library - just provide ready solution for communication between services.


  • Binary serialization (based on boopickle)
  • TCP as data channel (based on akka-streams)
  • Backpressure
  • Asynchrony


Think twice before use, its not supported!

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("public")
libraryDependencies += "me.archdev" %% "easy-rpc" % "1.1.0"

Usage example:

trait EchoService {
  def echo(message: String): String

class EchoServiceImpl extends EchoService {
  override def echo(message: String): String = message

object Application extends App {

  import autowire._
  import me.archdev.rpc._

  implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
  implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()

  val rpcHost = "localhost"
  val rpcPort = 20000

  val rpcServer = new RpcServer(Router.route[EchoService](new EchoServiceImpl))
  rpcServer.launch(rpcHost, rpcPort)

  val rpcClient = new RpcClient[EchoService](rpcHost, rpcPort)

  val message = "echo"
  rpcClient.echo(message).call().map { response =>


In development:

  • Signing more that one remote service on single port;
  • Auto-reconnect of client on any connection issue;
  • Inclusion of autowire into library codebase to provide better user interface.

Messaging protocol

Messaging between client and server builded on top of binary serialization with boopickle library. To do request you must send data model that will look like:

  • id: Long - unique identifier of request, used in asyncrony client implementation
  • path: Seq[String] - elements of method path. As example for method 'test' in class 'me.archdev.TestMethod' it will be like Seq('me', 'archdev', 'TestMethod', 'test')
  • params: Map[String, ByteBuffer] - serialized parameters map where key is method parameter name

As response you may took model that contains:

  • id: Long - unique identifier of request for client purposes
  • data: Option[ByteBuffer] - serialized method response or None, if something goes wrong
  • error: Option[ErrorProtocol] - error description, if it has. You can see error types here


Copyright (C) 2015 Arthur Kushka.
Distributed under the MIT License.